May 2017




Call to order at 7:35 PM:

A meeting of the Board of Directors of Brookridge Homeowners Association, Inc. (“HOA”) was held on May 9, 2017 at the home of Barbara Schiff (Unit 8). Present at the meeting were: Carole Princer Levy, Paul Spindel, Monica Teuscher, Barbara Schiff and Jeff Adler - all of whom are Directors constituting a quorum. Also present was Tom Pallman of Stillman Management, Inc.

Carole Princer Levy acted as Chair of the meeting. Jeff Adler acted as Secretary

Corrected Minutes of the April meeting have been approved and posted. 3 Board Members terms are expiring as of the Annual Meeting: Paul Spindel, Barbara Schiff & Jeff Adler.

Paul Spindel, Treasurer, reported on the budget as of May 1, 2017.

The operating account balance was $ 40,442.00

The capital reserve account was $169,104.00

CD from capital reserve account $250,000.00

Total $459,546.00

Paul reported that our HOA is currently projecting a small surplus over our budget.

Arrears report:

(A). Unit # 6: Wells Fargo Bank holds the mortgage on this property but still has not scheduled a foreclosure action.

(B). The HOA is waiting the court decision against the former owner of Unit # 16. We are hopeful that we will recover $11,817.41 in arrears. Citicorp, the current owner of the unit is current with all charges since they foreclosed last December.

The Board also discussed:

(1). Drainage issues in Common areas behind Units 31, 29 & 27 and 17 & 19. Gutters, leaders and pipes going to the drainage system are clogged and are creating pools of water on the lawns behind these units. The Board agreed to pay for repair of Common area but Homeowners will have to pay the costs for repair to gutters and leaders on their units. Ron Vitti is scheduled to begin work in this area.

(2). Our community’s pool will open in a few weeks. We thank our volunteers (“Friends of The Pool”) to check chlorine levels.

(3). Reminder: The Annual Meeting of the Brookridge Homeowner’s Association will be held on Tuesday June 13 at 7:30 PM at the New Rochelle Jewish Community Center. Board membership expires for Paul Spindel, Barbara Schiff & Jeff Adler. Anyone interested in standing for the Board should contact Tom Pallman.

(5). If remote “clickers” are still needed for the Front Gate please contact Tom Pallman.

(6). Cert-Pro will start paint touch-ups late May 2017.The Board reminds all Homeowners to contact Tom Pallman with a list of areas needing repainting.

(7). Con Edison will be present in the Community to finish filling-in “Street cuts” (from the installation of new underground gas lines) which have been patched in the streets of our complex and will be replaced and repaired in May

(8) Our community garden opens in May. For details contact Monica Teuscher.

(9) Jeff Adler will explore the costs for obtaining a Spring Cleaning Day Community Shredding truck to allow all homeowners to be able to shred papers within the community.

(10). The City of New Rochelle is planning a redesign of Quaker Ridge Road. The Mayor invited the Board to send representatives to a panel reviewing plans for this expansion.

(12). All homeowners who walk dogs within the confines of the complex are reminded to pick up their dog’s “poop” and deposit this in your own garbage can; not the community garbage can near the pool and gazebo.

The next meeting of the Board will be the Annual Meeting of the Community will be June 13th at 7:30PM at New Rochelle Jewish Community Center.

There being no further business before the Board, upon motion made and duly seconded, the meeting was adjourned at 8:17 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Jeff Adler, Secretary