April 2019



Call to order at 7:36 PM.

A meeting of the Board of Directors of Brookridge Homeowners Association, Inc. (“HOA”) was held on April 16, 2019 at the home of Jeff Adler (Unit 29). Present at the meeting were: Carole Princer Levy, Paul Spindel, Monica Teuscher, and Jeff Adler - all of whom are Directors constituting a quorum. Also present was Tom Pallman from Stillman Management, Ralph Elefante, Esq. of Elefante & Persasis, LLP. and new unit owner Mark Aron (Unit #14). Carole Princer Levy acted as Chair of the meeting. Jeff Adler acted as Secretary.

Mr. Aron had many of his questions answered by Board Members and left at 7:54 PM.

Condominium Conversion report:

Mr. Elefante informed the Board that, since we have not received a “No Action” letter from the NY State Attorney General’s (AG’s) office, our tax assessment as a Condo remains an unsettled mater, and we will not receive a tax abatement for 2018. Mr. Elefante was informed by the NY AG’s office that the Offering Plan he submitted needs to be revised. The AG’s office will review the plan to make sure deficiencies were corrected. Once approved by AG’s office, a “No Action” letter will be issued that can be given to New Rochelle and hopefully will result in a change to our tax structure.

Mr. Elefante was thanked for his time and effort, and he left the meeting at 8:12 PM.

Regular Board Business:

Minutes of the February Board meeting have been approved and posted.

Paul Spindel, Treasurer, reported on the bank balances as of April 16, 2019.

The operating account balance was $ 47,073.92

The capital reserve account was $ 40,998.05

CD Signature Bank (3/1/19) $500,000.00

Total Funds: $588,071.97

The Board discussed moving $250,000.00 from the CD at Signature because banks only guarantee accounts up to $250,000.00. Options include T-Bills at Signature or opening a CD at another bank. It was agreed that funds will remain in the Signature CD for the present time.

Reminder Again –

(1). Please pick-up after your dogs when you walk them. There have been complaints that dog waste has been left on the grass or thrown into the public garbage. Please put all dog poop in your own garbage and remind your guests who may walk their dogs on our property to pick-up after their dogs.

(2). Homeowners are reminded that cars must be parked in driveways or Guest Parking. No one should be parking on either side of the road around the Upper or Lower Circle. Parking in these areas is dangerous, illegal and interferes with Fire or Emergency Vehicles access to the community.

(3). Owners of cars or trucks parked in Guest Parking for more than 5 days in a month will be charged an additional $125 per month on their Common Charge invoice unless prior arrangements are reached with the Board.

Arrears report:

(A). Unit # 6: This Unit remains $32,114.65 in arrears. Wells Fargo Bank holds the mortgage on this property but has not begun a foreclosure action.

(B). Unit # 16: This Unit has arrears of 3 months in monthly charges ($3,035.00). The Board directed Stillman to turn this matter over to legal for collection.

Members are reminded that if Common charges are in arrears, they will lose pool and tennis court privileges as well as snow removal and roof repairs. In addition, late and legal fees will continue to accrue and a lien will be placed on their unit.

The Board also discussed:

(1). The Board received the County Department of Health’s Permit to Operate a Swimming Pool for 2019. The pool-opening will be on or around May 15th. Volunteers are needed to help with check chlorine levels in the pool. Please contact Paul Spindel.

(2). Landscaping report- new planters will be placed at the entrance gate and in the pool area.

(3). The 2019 Annual Meeting will be held Tuesday June 25 @ Westchester JCC 7:30PM.

New Business:

(1) Installation of No Parking signs at the circles. Tom will get designs for consideration by the Board.

(2) The Board decided to forego a painting touch-up of Units this year.

(3) The Communal Garden will re-open this spring. Due to the popularity of our garden, the Board will develop written rules for sharing this space. These rules will be circulated to the community shortly.

There being no further business before the Board, upon motion made and duly seconded, the meeting was

adjourned at 8:45 PM.

The next Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday May 28th at Monica Teuscher’s (Unit 43) at 7:30 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Jeff Adler, Secretary