March 2011

Minutes of the HOA Board of Directors Meeting, March 29, 2011.

Present: Carole Princer Levy, Carolyn Levy, Paul Spindel, Enrique Teuscher, Herb Meyers and Tom Pallman of Stillman Management.

The meeting was held at the home of Carolyn Levy. Board President Carole Princer Levy called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM. The following issues were discussed:

Minutes: The Minutes of the Board of Directors meeting of February 19, 2011 were unanimously approved and posted.

Budget: The HOA budget and financial report were discussed. The closing accounts as of February 28, 2011, were as follows:

Cash account: $19,681.98

Capital account: $190,663.45

An expected deficit of $12,500 was noted, resulting mainly from expenses for clean-ups after the unusually frequent snowfalls this winter, but also due to the continuing issue with non-payment of maintenance and legal fees by Unit #16. The Board decided to update the lien on Unit #16, if payments are not received by March 31.

Some of the deficit will be made up by the deletion of a pool attendant this summer and possibly a small one-time assessment.

A charge of $50 will be required from Homeowners who desire a key to the pool.

Landscaping: A number of issues relating to landscaping were discussed.

The Belgian Blocks apron at the Brookridge gate area has been completed, except for some additional work along the curb of the apron. Resurfacing of the road will begin around the beginning of May, weather permitting.

A walk-through by the Landscaping Committee will determine work to be done as soon as the weather conditions improve.

Two wooden trashcans will be placed near the entrance to the pool, one for general garbage and one for recyclable trash.

The flower trays at the gazebo will be replaced by plastic trays in which flowers will be planted.

The New Rochelle fire department will be requested to check the function of water hydrants around the Brookridge property.

Vertical spikes will be added to each of the fire hydrants to identify their location when they are buried during heavy snowfalls, such as occurred this winter.

Bumps will be re-installed to slow down vehicles, especially at the corner leading to the gate.

Attention is called once again to drivers coming from the north end of Brookridge, whether Homeowners or their visitors, to stay to the right side of the road when turning the corner to the gate in order to avoid the possibility of a collision with a car entering the gate.

General: Attached please find a copy of a new welcoming document for new Homeowners that include information about the community as well as management and emergency facilities and garbage collection and recycling procedures.

Also attached is a communication from the office of New Rochelle Mayor Bramson.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 PM.

The next Board meeting is scheduled for April 26th at the home of Enrique Teuscher, Unit #43

Respectfully submitted,

Herb Meyers