September 2016





A meeting of the Board of Directors of Brookridge Homeowners Association, Inc. (“HOA”) was held on September 13, 2016 at the home of Paul Spindel. Present at the meeting were: Carole Princer Levy, Paul Spindel, Barbara Schiff, Monica Teuscher and Jeff Adler - all of whom are Directors constituting a quorum. Also present was Tom Pallman of Stillman Management, Inc. Carol Princer Levy acted as Chair of the meeting. Jeff Adler acted as Secretary.

Call to order at 7:30 PM.

Minutes of the July meeting have been approved and posted.

The new owners of Unit 31 (Judd and Ann Gittleman) were present at the beginning of the meeting, were welcomed by the Board and had the opportunity to ask questions about the Community.

Paul Spindel, Treasurer & Tom Pallman reported on the budget as of August 31, 2016.

The operating account balance was $ 18,293.38

The capital reserve account was $350,560.41

Paul is still presently projecting a slight surplus for 2016.

Unit # 6: As of September 13, 2016, this Unit is $12,144.65 in arrears. Wells Fargo Bank is trying to foreclose this property. The Board instituted a legal action in New Rochelle Courts to attempt to collect this arrears. Unfortunately, this action was unsuccessful.

Unit # 16: As of Sept. 13, 2016, this Unit is $7,033.67 in arrears. CitiBank has foreclosed on this property. The Board brought an action against the deed holder of the property and is now in negotiations to settle the outstanding arrears.

The Board next discussed Top Gun's seal coating work on the roads of Brookridge. The Board thanks all Homeowners for their cooperation on this project.

The Board also discussed:

(1). Various landscaping issues with Ron Vitti, including repairing the brickwork at the front gate, changing the sprinkler system and looking into changing the type of grass behind our units.

(2). JP McHale completed “tree-work” in the common areas of the Complex in July.

(3). CertaPro completed repairs and touch-up painting at Brookridge.

(4). The Board approved a new HOA contract that must be signed by new Homeowners. (This is was discussed in lieu of a security deposits) at the Annual Meeting.

(5). Suez Water is still charging “Gated Communities” (including Brookridge) $2,200.00 more per fire hydrant than they charge the City of New Rochelle. The Board approved a proposal to join with other gated communities in a withholding action that hopefully will help resolve the disparity in hydrant costs.

(6). The pool will remain open through September and October, until we run out of chlorine.

New Business:

(1) The Board is exploring obtaining a group rate for insurance of the pipes running from our homes to the mains in our complex

(2) Owners are reminded to inspect the lint catcher pipes from their dryers. This pipe can be a fire hazard if clogged. Contact Tom Pallman at Stillman Management if you need your lint catcher pipe cleaned

(3) The Board requests Homeowners not to feed the feral cats that roam this property,

(4) The Board is investigating (as a Capital Improvement) the pros and cons of installing a jungle gym on our property for children and visiting grandchildren

The next meeting of the Board will be November 15th at 7:30PM.

There being no further business before the Board, upon motion made and duly seconded, the meeting was adjourned at 8:35 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Jeff Adler, Secretary