October 2011

A Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of Brook Ridge Homeowners Association, Inc. (the “HOA”), was held on Tuesday, October 11, 2011 at 7:30 p.m. at the home of Carolyn Levy.

There were present at the meeting: Carole Princer Levy, Carolyn Levy, Paul Spindel, Enrique Teuscher, Ted Waksman

constituting all of the directors of the HOA and, therefore, a quorum. Also present were Derek Meade, Rabbi Moshe Pomerantz and Bob Nadel.

Carole Princer Levy acted as Chair of the meeting and Ted Waksman acted as Secretary thereof.

Messrs. Meade, Pomerantz and Nadel discussed with the Board the water drainage problem at their homes and the need to repair the blockage in the drain pipe in front of their homes. An estimate for the repair work was received at $1,200. There was discussion as to the sharing of this cost among the homeowners in the units affected by this problem and the HOA. It was proposed by Mr. Meade that the HOA pay half of this cost. It was determined that Ron Vitti would be asked to give an estimate to do the work. After Messrs. Meade, Pomerantz and Nadel left the meeting, the Board determined that since the drainage pipe affected 3 units and was partially on common property that the HOA would pay a portion of the cost. Following the meeting Ron Vitti did match the $1,200 estimate and the Board agreed to pay $600 of the cost.

Carole Princer Levy gave a report on the New Rochelle District 6 Council meeting which she attended. A copy of her report is available on the Brookridge website. Mr. Spindel then gave a financial report and update on the revised 2011 budget. The HOA currently projects a small surplus for the year and barring any unexpected charges the Operating and Capital Account balances are on budget. As of September 30, 2011 the balances of the Operating Account and Capital Account are $27,411 and $166,261, respectively.

Mr. Waksman then gave an update on the situation involving the owner of unit 16, who is in arrears on the maintenance fees. The HOA’s lawsuit against the owner

of the unit was scheduled for a court hearing on September 14, 2011, however, the hearing was postponed until October 19, 2011.

The Board also discussed the following matters: (i) painting of the development and consideration of a vinyl/cedar siding alternative and the need to obtain additional proposals for such work, (ii) resurfacing of the pool to be scheduled for next spring, (iii) all landscaping work is up to date, and (iv) possible new capital projects, including resurfacing the tennis court, adding a basketball hoop at the end of the tennis court and purchase of generators.

The next Board meeting is scheduled for November 22, 2011 at 7:30 p.m. at the home of Enrique Teuscher.

There being no further business to come before the meeting, upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned.

Ted Waksman

Secretary of the Meeting