February 2018



Call to order at 7:37 PM.

A meeting of the Board of Directors of Brookridge Homeowners Association, Inc. (“HOA”) was held on February 6, 2018 at the home of Paul Spindel (Unit 1). Present at the meeting were: Carole Princer Levy, Paul Spindel, Monica Teuscher, Barbara Schiff and Jeff Adler - all of whom are Directors constituting a quorum. Also present was Tom Pallman from Stillman Management & Leslie Molinoff from the Condo Conversion sub-committee.

Carole Princer Levy acted as Chair of the meeting. Jeff Adler acted as Secretary.

Condominium Conversion report:

Leslie reports that:

(A). Phase I of architect’s Field work has been completed and paid. 42 out of 44 units have had the architect visit their units to verify size as required for the condominium submission filing.

(B). Phase II of Architect’s work has started (Condominium Documentation and Filing): Title Sheet/Site Plan & prepare Unit Plans

(C). Brookridge HOA’s Attorney for this conversion, Ralph Elefante,

(1). Sent the “No Action” letter to NY State’s Attorney General’s office on January 26th. Mr. Elefante will advise the Board when this letter is signed.

(2). Mr. Elefante is working on the revised Declaration and By-Laws. We should have this Declaration/By-Laws ready for homeowners to review in March. A meeting in April is planned at which final acceptance signatures off all home owners will be needed.

Regular Board Business:

Minutes of the December Board meeting have been approved and posted.

Paul Spindel, Treasurer, reported on the bank balances as of January 31, 2018.

The operating account balance was $ 42,789.00

The capital reserve account was 205,816.00

CDs from capital reserve account 251,478.00

Total in Reserve: $498,083.00

The Board also discussed:

(1). A number of complaints on improper parking in Common areas have reached the Board. Homeowners are reminded not to park in Common areas without first receiving Board approval.

(2). Unit #52 asked for a waiver to build a new sunroom on their deck. The Board agreed with the proposed architectural change but the new deck must stay within the existing property line.

(3). Ron Vitti Turf and Landscaping Snow Removal Contract expired November 1, 2017. A new contract was signed for a total of $6,367.03/mo.

(4). Suez will be installing (at no cost to Brookridge HOA) a new pool water meter on February 22nd.

(5). All gutters were cleaned out thoroughly on all units in December. This was performed by Ron Vitti Turf and Landscaping

(6). The Board discussed with Tom Pallman the lamp post lights that are out around the complex. Stillman will have these lights replaced.

(7). The Board agreed to explore cameras for the Front Gate.

(8). All unit owners needing chimney repair or re-pointing of chimney bricks should contact Barbara Schiff for an excellent chimney repair handiman.

The next meeting of the Board will be will be: Tuesday March 13, 2018 @ 7:30PM at Monica Teuscher’s home (unit #: 43).

There being no further business before the Board, upon motion made and duly seconded, the meeting was adjourned at 8:36 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Jeff Adler, Secretary