Lecture 09 The Yuan (元 1279-1368) Neo-Confucianism and Wang Yangming (王陽明 1472-1529)

  • China under Mongol rule
    • The empire
    • The purpose of the empire
    • Restoration of the civil service examination with the Neo-Confucian set of interpretation to the Classics
    • Neo-Confucianism under Mongol rule
  • Practice is more important than reading books or creating ideas
    • "This [person] is following Zhu [Xi] and that one is too."
    • Xue Xuan 薛瑄
    • Wu Yubi 吳與弼
    • Chen Xianzhang 陳獻章
  • "Actualizing one's innate knowledge about goodness" (zhi liangzhi 致良知)
    • Wang Yang-ming 王陽明 (name Yun 雲, then Shou-ren 守仁)
    • Alienation between the external principles and the mind-and-heart
    • Solution: a sudden recall in the coffin
    • the issue of the Great Learning
  • "Acting and knowing is one thing"
    • knowing to be good and the knowledge about the external world
    • subjectivity is morality
    • The flourishing of Wang's teaching