

  1. 請漢祥大助教,瀏覽以下大家的作業,統整一下,星期二在進行討論前,先給大家五分鐘到十分鐘對於大家作業的回饋。
  2. 並選出值得大家學習的作業,一到三名,做為接下來十分鐘檢視的對象。
  3. 另外,也請大家回顧自己作業的過程,記下自己的問題、困難與解決方法,做為討論時的素材。
    1. 愛恨情仇
    2. 有用沒用
  4. 猜測意圖─為什麼老師要介紹這個
    1. 興趣的考驗
  • 1. Object properties (物件屬性:定義兩種Class(類別)之間的關係)
    • 2. Characteristic (特性)
      • Functional:最多只能有一個;例如(之)生父(為)、(之)生母(為)。
      • Inverse functional:相反的最多只有一個;例如在多妻制地區,一個妻子只能有一個丈夫,一個丈夫卻可以有幾個妻子,hasWife ==> hasHusband
      • Transitive:具傳遞性,例如A為B的祖先,B為C的祖先;則A為C的祖先。(hasAncestor)
      • Symmetric:具對稱性,亦即這種屬性不具方向性,例如A為B的配偶;則B為A的配偶。(hasSpouse)
      • Asymmetric:不具對稱性,例如A為B的父母;則B必不為A的父母。(hasParent)
      • Reflexive:具反身性,例如A為A自己的親屬。(hasRelative)
      • Irreflexive:不具反身性,例如A不可能為自己的父母。(parentOf)
    • 3. Description (描述;旁邊會顯示物件屬性的命名)
      • Equivalent To:相當於。
      • SubProperty Of:次屬性,例如「之夫為」(hasHusband)「之妻為」(hasWife)為「之配偶為」(hasSpouse)的次屬性。
      • Inverse Of:相對的屬性,例如「之父母為」(hasParent)與「之子女為」(hasChild)。
      • Domains (intersection):關係的主詞,例如「A『之父母為』(hasParent)B」中之A。
      • Ranges (Intersection):關係的受詞,例如「A『之父母為』(hasParent)B」中之B。
      • DisjointWith:互不相容,例如有X屬性,就不會有Y屬性,則X與Y互不相容。
      • SuperProperty Of (Chain):上層屬性 (連鎖),例如「之祖為」是「之父為」+「之父為」的連鎖。
  • 第一性質與第二性質:
    • The primary/secondary quality distinction is a conceptual distinction in epistemology and metaphysics, concerning the nature of reality. It is most explicitly articulated by John Locke in his Essay concerning Human Understanding, but earlier thinkers such as Galileo and Descartes made similar distinctions.
    • Primary qualities are thought to be properties of objects that are independent of any observer, such as solidity, extension, motion, number and figure. These characteristics convey facts. They exist in the thing itself, can be determined with certainty, and do not rely on subjective judgments. For example, if an object is spherical, no one can reasonably argue that it is triangular.
    • Secondary qualities are thought to be properties that produce sensations in observers, such as color, taste, smell, and sound. They can be described as the effect things have on certain people. Knowledge that comes from secondary qualities does not provide objective facts about things.
    • Primary qualities are measurable aspects of physical reality. Secondary qualities are subjective.
    • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Primary/secondary_quality_distinction
  • 4. Data properties (資料屬性:聯結一種 Class 類別 到一個帶有 Datatype 資料類別 的值)
    • 5. Characteristics
      • Functional:至多一個
    • 6. Description (描述;旁邊會顯示資料屬性的命名)
      • Equivalent To
      • SubProperty Of
      • Domains (intersection)
      • Ranges
      • DisjointWith
  • 7. Datatypes (資料類型)
    • owl:rational
    • owl:real
    • rdf:PlainLiteral
    • rdf:XMLLiteral
    • rdfs:Literal
    • xsd:anyURI
    • xsd:base64Binary
    • xsd:boolean (還輯判斷:是,否)
    • xsd:byte
    • xsd:dateTime (日期時間)
    • xsd:dateTimeStamp
    • xsd:decimal (帶小數的數字)
    • xsd:double (長數字)
    • xsd:float
    • xsd:hexBinary
    • xsd:int (整數)
    • xsd:integer (整數)
    • xsd:language
    • xsd:long
    • xsd:Name
    • xsd:NCName
    • xsd:negativeInteger
    • xsd:NMTOKEN
    • xsd:nonNegativeInteger
    • xsd:nonPositiveInteger
    • xsd:normalizedString
    • xsd:positiveInteger
    • xsd:short
    • xsd:string (字串)
    • xsd:token
    • xsd:unsignedByte
    • xsd:unsignedInt
    • xsd:unsignedLong
    • xsd:unsignedShort
  • 視覺化ontology舉例:
  • 線上protege:http://webprotege.stanford.edu
    • 註冊webprotege
    • 分享線上的ontology
    • 匯入ontology
    • 協作的問題:討論
  • OWL檔案
    • <Declaration>
    • <NamedIndividual IRI="#林聰舜"/>
    • </Declaration>
    • <Declaration>
    • <Class IRI="#教師"/>
    • </Declaration>
    • <Declaration>
    • <NamedIndividual IRI="#中國思想史"/>
    • </Declaration>
    • <Declaration>
    • <Class IRI="#必修"/>
    • </Declaration>
    • <SubClassOf>
    • <Class IRI="#必修"/>
    • <Class IRI="#課程"/>
    • </SubClassOf>
    • <ClassAssertion>
    • <Class IRI="#教師"/>
    • <NamedIndividual IRI="#林聰舜"/>
    • </ClassAssertion>
    • <ClassAssertion>
    • <Class IRI="#必修"/>
    • <NamedIndividual IRI="#中國思想史"/>
    • </ClassAssertion>
    • <ObjectPropertyDomain>
    • <ObjectProperty IRI="#教授"/>
    • <Class IRI="#教師"/>
    • </ObjectPropertyDomain>
    • <ObjectPropertyRange>
    • <ObjectProperty IRI="#教授"/>
    • <Class IRI="#課程"/>
    • </ObjectPropertyRange>
    • <ObjectPropertyAssertion>
    • <ObjectProperty IRI="#教授"/>
    • <NamedIndividual IRI="#林聰舜"/>
    • <NamedIndividual IRI="#中國思想史"/>
    • </ObjectPropertyAssertion>