


The Four Noble Truths:

  1. Suffering exists.

  2. Suffering is caused by desire

  3. The cure for suffering comes through overcoming desire

  4. Victory can be achieved by following the 8-fold path of “right living.” (Buddha)

When you recognize a morsel of truth, you can meditate on that truth until you have internalized it. Thereby, that morsel of truth can become the leaven which raises the whole loaf of your consciousness and thereby elevates your entire consciousness to the level from which the truth was given. They looked beyond the outer, man-made doctrines. They discovered the inner truth that is there, even behind the orthodox teachings. They internalized that inner truth and realized that I came to call all human beings to put on the mind of Christ. By meditating on my life, it is possible for mature soul to internalize my teachings and my Being to such a degree that the soul reaches Christhood. the Catholic Church is woefully deficient in terms of offering people the path to Christhood. This church has done exactly what the lawyers of old had done; it has taken away the key of knowledge. (

Accepting the many paradoxes of life is essential to mental health. The core of all truth is paradox. (p195) Much heresey arises when people run with just one side of a paradox in their thinking. Heresies, being at best half-truths, are essentially lies. (p248) (Further)

In modern times people often begin their search for an abstract ‘truth’ through books before coming to a revelation of the Personal God. (

Pascal wrote "We make an idol of truth itself; for truth without charity is not God, but His image and idol, which we must neither love or worship."

Truth as Dante saw Beatrice: a figure adorable yet intangible, found in this world yet revealing the next. (Mysticism, p4)

Seeing God face-to-face is to apprehend Truth as it really is, and this is infinite freedom and perfect bliss. (p83) Man has suffered because he has been deceived about the nature of life and of himself; is why Jesus said "Know the Truth and the Truth shall make you free." (p87) The truth that the inner that causes the outer. Cause and effect are from the within to the without. (p92) The acceptance of Truth involves the scrapping of all the old standards. (p119) (Sermon on the Mount)

We think that we built walls to keep us in peace, but it's completely backward. The more we hide, the more fearful we become. Fear builds walls, but truth builds bridges. (Tao Peace, p53-6)

Someone once said "A man who seeks truth will never find it. TRUTH IS WHAT IS and that is the beauty in it." I think truth is the reality of now! There is no need to seek truth, only to stop having views. If we can get past our own conditioned ego based thoughts, we can start to see the truth more clearly. Lao Tzu said "If a thought arises... laugh at it." Each of us has to realize truth for ourself. Understand the thought process and try to rid yourself of ego (thoughts and esp. desires) which disrupts innerpeace. (

The Perfect Way is difficult only for those who pick and choose; do not like, do not dislike; all will then be clear. If you want the truth to stand clear before you, never be for or against. There is no need to seek Truth; only stop having views. The ultimate Truth about both Extremes is that they are Not Two, but One Emptiness. (Wisdom, Buddhism, p96)

Truth alone will not set you free. Truthfulness will set you free. Each quadrant has a different type of truth and a different test for its validity. These validity claims force us to confront reality. (Everything, p112,119)

Visions have their place in a stage that precedes genuine mystical experience of truth. A genuine mystical experience is enlightening for faith, but in itself it exists in a sphere beyond doctrine since it is beyond any and all concepts. Religious experience brings doctrine alive and floods it with light. (Contemplation, p77)

All mystical experiences converge at their summit. Thruth is but one, and God can only be one. (Contemplation, p89)

1. that which is true; the true or actual facts of a case.

2. conformity with fact or reality.

3. a verified or indisputable fact, proposition, principle, or the like. (Dict)

The truth shall make you free. (John 8:32)

I am the way, the truth, and the life. (John 14:6)

What is truth? (John 18:38)

I have more to tell, but you can't bear it now. (John 16:12)

God desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. (1 Tim 2:3-4)

One of the nicest things about telling the truth is that you don't have to remember what you said. (A. L. Brahan)

The truth is hard to swallow; all the love we have been giving has been for ourselves. (Question, Moody Blues)

Just what the truth is I can't tell you any more [or anymore] because I love you. Oh how I love you. Just what I'm going through you can't understand. (Nights in White Satin, Moody Blues)

Pride and ego conflicts with the truth. People need to humble themselves to accept the truth." (IAM, p92) There is no definition of truth, because truth is My living Spirit. The word truth, itself, is Me, for I am truth! How happy the man who finds Me, and lives in Me, for he is living My truth - My living Spirit which all men are united to in My oneness. (IAM, p96)

Shadowy types [evil] to truth [goodness]. (Paradise, p54)

Have to start, not with escaping from self, but with truly finding oneself and all mankind in God. And this isn't going to be done by blanket condemnation of one another, but by a meeting of minds in real Truth. (Crucifix, p36)

The dark night almost effortlessly breaks through the falsehoods (of world, devil, senses) by showing us the inevitable limits of sensory delights. Once these desires are put to rest, we are released from the prison of empty promises. Then neither the devil, nor the world, no sensuality can fool us. (Dark Night, p140)