


The soul is insatiable till it finds the Savior. (Charles Spurgeon, Vanity & Meaning, p72)

God loves, but not because we deserve it or have earned it. The reason is simply that God is love, therefore God loves. We are soul, God's creation, and IT loves us because that is ITS nature. We have to recognize that we, as Soul, must become love. We can never become God, but we can become Godlike. In becoming Godlike, we begin to share this divine quality of unconditional love. It's the kind of love that continues even when the person gives us nothing back. (

For they put to death the great and just Issa, in whom dwelt the soul of the universe. (Lost Years, p212) Aka the spirit of God - wise and with unconditional love. (Randy)

Underneath all the layers we construct to protect ourselves, our dignity, our titles, our degrees, our status and our need to be seen in certain ways - underneath all that, remains the authentic, essential self - the soul. If that part of you and that part of me could recognize each other, we wouldn't be enemies. (Soup, p39)

And as we grow old, we learn the secrets of our souls. (Moody Blues)

God is present in the deepest part of the soul - or more correctly, who is the deepest part of the soul, since in man there is a divine spark. (Zen, p76)