

We tend to exhibit self-righteousness attitude towards those who happen to sin more overtly. We need an attitude of brokenness and humility. (Prayer, p150)

Inner and outer peace are intrinsically related. Instead of waiting for the right guru or polical leader to bring us the answer, the Tao asks us to take responsibility for our lives. Though a shift of attitude, we can move beyond competition to cooperation and harmony. The first step on the path of peace is to shift our attitudes. What matters is not the situation, but the way we perceive it. Think holistically to see our part in the unity of life and that life constantly evolves through cycles of change. Realize that life has many options, flow with change, seeing beyond problems to solutions. "Wise people seek solutions; the ignorant only cast blame." (Tao 79) (Tao Peace, p4-6)

It's not what happens to you, it's what you do about it. (Soup, p255)

Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: The last of his freedoms - to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way. (Viktor E Frankl, concentration camp survivor, Soup, 227)

The Bible is meant to be understood and acted on, not deciphered and dismissed. This is just like God, who, as Augustine somewhere said, "caught orators by fishermen - not fishermen by orators." (Beginning of the End, p112)