
*SIGN/*SIGNAL - also see MARK

Awestruck by a lecture, sermon, or concert, or a thrilling scenic view or work of art, touched by inspiring music or converation, physical sensations of goose bumps, tingling, heat, rush of energy, chill up your spine, tears of joy are all experiences that are signals. (Divine Rev, p174)

Indicators of what is not itself directly perceptible:

Sign - any indication to be perceived by the senses or the reason

ie. material stands for or signifies something spiritual

ie. indicating the presence or existence of something else

ie. action by which a thought is expressed or a cmd/wish made known

Mark - something often in contrast to general outward appearance

Symbol - a visible sign of something invisible

Sympton - outward indication of an internal change or condition

Token - something that serves as proof of something intangible

Image -

Seal -

Evil and preverse generation look for signs. No sign will be given, but that of Jonah. ( ).

"Eyes but don't see, and ears but don't hear ( )." We choose power rather than humility and therefore focus on the cosmos rather than love and servant. God loves us unconditional and serves us through His providence and in the everyday ordinary things of life. (Randy)

We, who live this side of Easter, need a sign. [The sign is] the Scriptures, witness of the saints, and the Church that is his body here on earth. [With these] we have hope in the face of death, healing in times of illness, purpose in the midst of chaos and empathy, and life both now and eternally. (HA 4/7/96)

The good news is that the warnings signs are all around, if only mankind will awaken to see them. But that means learning to see the Earth, the universe and evolution itself in a different way, as a "sacred" process - the best evidence of God's revelation. (HJ 4/13/96)

The environment is close to tipping Earth into a biological implosion (like the death of the dinosaurs). Warning signs are all around us, if only humankind will awaken to see them. Our Western ideal of a transcendent God outside of nature devalues Earth as something to be used for the glory of God, rather than nurtured as part of God's glory. "Nature is not divine, but in it are reflected aspects of the divine." Like Scripture being God's revelation, evolution is a "sacred process - the best evidence of God's revelation. Nature is from the beginning a spiritual as well as physical process. Faith demands a reverence for the environment. (Ecotheologian Thomas Berry, PS 5/18/96)