


1. to deliver from sin and its consequences by means of a sacrifice offered for the sinner

2. to buy back, regain possession, or improve the condition of anything by means of money, endeavor, devotion, sacrifice (Dict)

Redemption means the integration of our ego , which we think is separate from God, into the whole.(p43) Our sin is that we do not realize who we really are. Jesus's redemptive function in the cross and resurrection consists in leading us to our true essence, to the kingdom of God within us. Stop looking for a redeemer from the outside. Redemption is within us. So long as we belive in an unbridged chasm between Jesus and us, we have failed to understand him. He teaches the higher conscious state of the kingdom of God (eternal life), of being a child of God, that divine ground of being that is our true essence. (p230) We made Jesus into the object of veneration and adoration instead of seeing ourselves as other Christs. Instead of using Jesus' teaching to sense our oneness of being with him and the Father and recognizing in Jesus our primal image and likeness of the Father, we have defined him as the totally other. (Meaning, p245)

God's justice demanded that the debt be repaid by one who was both God and man: the magnitude of the offense meant that only the Son of God could effect our salvation, but, as a man had been responsible, the redeemer also had to be a member of the human race. (Hist, p130)

Sacrifical offerings were unblemished and from the first-fruits. Jesus was unblemished being without sin and first human to live a model life here on earth and therefore first to be resurrected to external life in heaven. (Randy)

Kinsman redeemer (Dt)