Antonmys: EVIL, BAD,
Lewis viewed goodness as being rooted in God's nature. As such, goodness is neither arbitrary or separate from God. (C S Lewis)
You will be like gods who know what is good and what is evil. (Gen 3:5)
All things work for good for those who love God. (Rom 8:28)
Do not be conquered by evil, but conquer evil with good. (Rom 12:21)
Holding himself good, one loses one's goodness. (Shu Ching)
If you are truly wise, you will find joy in Me alone and hope in Me alone, for no one is good but God alone. Praise him and bless him in everything you do. (Imitation, Book3, Ch9)
Mixing good and evil - is not "one bad apple ruins the whole bushel", but rather "the good purifying the bad" - see PUMP (priming). God's goodness is not only truth and love (which are necessary), but also beauty (which is a awesome gift). I wonder if: the problem with believing Jesus' miracles, Him being fully divine, and all the mysteries of God is because they are "too good to be true". Bring good out of bad is like when the rain helps the vegetation which in turn we are dependent upon. (Randy)
We embrace a faith which says that good can come out of bad. (PS 4/25/96)
Not only do we know evil, but also we do not even know good except through evil. (Paradise, p114)
God constantly frustrates Satan by turning to GOOD what Satan intended to be evil. Adam [and we] know GOOD by knowing evil. The bad man recognizes no God except what he considers to be his own good, and his life is a structure of pride like the Tower of Babel. The virtuous man recognizes the existence of a GOOD that is not himself, and attempts to seek for it. (Paradise3, p25-26)
GOOD comes out of evil. The face of things may alter, but the pulsation of things continues. (Paradise3, p134)
The insignificance is significant. If he is able to choose the GOOD, it is only because the GOOD has previously chosen him.' (Paradise3, p135)
Too good to be true.