

Body is spirit in action. (Randy, 6/97)

God encased the human soul successively in three bodies - the causal (idea), the subtle astral body (seat of man's mental and emotional natures), and the gross physical body (with its senses). (Yogi, p416)

The body is Christ = Eucharist = unity of church community to do God's will.

The ultimate mystery: your exact and true relationship to Me - YOU ARE MY BODY. Everything I experience, I experience through you. Jesus said: "I and the Father are One." For even as you are the body of Me, I am the body of another. I am the child of another. God is more than you [can] imagine. For example, in the Holy Trinity:

Holy Spirit = Inspiration = Conceive

Father = Parenting = Create

Son = Offspring = Experience

The Son experiences the creation of the fathering thought, which is conceived of by the Holy Spirit. You have been given life so that you might know yourself in your own experience and then conceive of yourself as Who You Really Are and create yourself as that in your experience - and the circle is again complete...only bigger. In the process of growing/becoming, there is no limit to what you can become, even a god. Have I not said, "Ye are Gods"? (Conversations, p197-202)

I wonder if: for the above if God is a child of our evolution? Or if it means that He (the Father) is a child of the Holy Spirit, kinda like a 1st and 2nd harmonics? Or that the "conceive->create->experience" is a circle with no beginning or end. For example, we think of the Holy Trinity as beginning with Father->Son->HS. Could Body-Mind-Spirit be related to Son-Father-HS be realted to life-intelligence-love? If wonder if even the physical universe gives us a clue, for example, matter is sucked into black holes which causes new creation? (Randy)