

Antonyms: PRIDE

Like God's deep humility, we should esteem itself to be nothing at all [like God has]. (p303) The consciousness of transcendence depends upon a complete humility. (p519) (Mysticism)

There are quite a few ways to transcend ourselves, but the two main ways are the humility-way and the awareness-way. We try to cultivate humility, true and soulful humility. It is through humility that we acquire the power of receptivity. When we have the power of receptivity, at that time Peace, Light and Bliss in boundless measure descend from above, and with no difficulty we can embody these divine attributes. (

Humility is a true knowledge of oneself as one is - both good and bad. (Further, p87)

For all who exalt themselves will be humbled, but all who humble themselves will be exalted.

How can there be humility without love or love without humility; nor are these two virtues possible without detachment from all creatures. HUMBLE PEOPLE PREFER TO SPEAK OF THEIR VICES MORE THAN TO BRAG ABOUT THEIR VIRTUES. (Dark Night, p44,46)

Once pride has been pulverized by the purgative night, it is possible to behold that if "I" need so much love and understanding, then so do others. The humble person is inclined to esteem others more than themselves rather than a holier-than-thou posture of judgmentalism. (Dark Night, p133)

A small, still voice (1 Kings 19:12).

Humble himself as a little child (Matt 18:4).

The young at heart of the young in mind are humble and open-minded and welcome new ideas. Jesus' admonition to become like little children may have been His way of telling us to experiment, explore new ideas, test things, admit our lack of knowledge and know-how, and to be humble. Yes, change and progress (evolution) require a youthful attitude. (Humble, p53)

God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble (James 4:6)

Because pride has wounded us, humility maketh us whole. (Augustine)

If "pride is the root of all evil (1 John 2:16 and Gen 3:5)", then humility must be the root of all goodness. Humility is symbolized in old age, similiar of God and us like the sun and moon, cycles in nature (ie. night before day, winter before spring, and death (fly) before life (butterfly). God is humble in His transcendant by being so distant that we aren't overwhelmed by his power, beauty, holiness. For example, if the sun were any closer than it is, then we would be killed. God is humble in His immanance by being so common and ordinary that we take it for granted. In our pride we think that by ourselves we are self-righteous in any of our good thoughts or any of our good actions. "Created in the image and likeness of God (Gen 1:?)", but we choose the power not the humility. God is both masculine (power) and feminine (love). Eve (Gen 3:5) chose power (knowledge) because she was lacking the trait of masculinity, but s/h been dependent upon God. There is 18" between heaven and hell, ie. between heart (love) and head (knowledge). Satan's fall was also because of pride. It is right to want perfection, but is wrong to demand it (pride is what makes us demand it). Is forgivingness of others an act of humility? After death we will see God face to face and see Truth, but until then faith can give glipses. Faith = humility; humility gives glory to God. Heaven is not a place, but a state or attitude of beautiude granted via humility? Did the Father in His humility disperse Himself to create the world? The proud look at the cosmos to see God's power, whereas, the humble look to see God working within ourselves via acts of love. Jesus saved us, not by power, but by the greatest act of humility possible, death (and furthermore on a cross). Do I have problems knowing the Father because of not knowing my father? Even our desires for salvation are selfishly motivated. If dependant upon money/security/self-esteem, then they are idols. Pride is idoltry. (Randy)

He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God? (Micah 6:8)

Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart; and you will find rest for yourselves. (Matt 11:29)

But the tax collector stood off at a distance and would not even raise his eyes to heaven but beat his breast and prayed, 'O God, be merciful to me a sinner.' I tell you, the latter went home justified, not the former [Pharisee]; for everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and the one who humbles himself will be exalted. (Luke 18:13-14)

Who, though he was in the form of God, did not regard equality with God something to be grasped. Rather, he emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, coming in human likeness; and found human in appearance, he humbled himself, becoming obedient to death, even death on a cross. (Phil 2:6-8)

Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble. (James 4:6)

And all of you, clothe yourselves with humility in your dealings with one another, for: "God opposes the proud, but bestows favor on the humble". (1 Peter 5:5)

If you want to be completely happy, live a simple and humble life. Pray a lot... Let God resolve them [problems] for you. (Medjugorje - A Portfolio of Images)

Oxymoron is of a humble God - the Messiah revealed the glory of humility. (p36, The Jesus I Never Knew by Philip Yancey)

What good does it to do, then, to debate about the Trinity, if by a lack of HUMILITY you are displeasing to the Trinity? ... I would much rather feel profound sorrow for my sins than to be able to define the theological term for it... This is the highest wisdom: to see the world as it truly is, fallen and fleeting; to love the world not for its own sake, but for God's; and to direct all your effort toward achieving the kingdom of heaven. (Imitation, book1, ch1)

Calm that excessive thrist for knowledge, for there is great discord and deception in it... The more you know and the better you know it, the greater is your responsibility for using your knowledge wisely... If you want to learn something that will really help you, learn to see yourself as God sees you and not as you see yourself in the distorted mirror of your own self-importance. This is the greatest and most useful lesson we can learn: to know ourselves for what we truly are, to admit freely our weaknesses and failings, and to hold a HUMBLE opinion of ourselves because of them. (Imitation, book1, ch2)

A HUMBLE understanding of yourself is a surer way to God than a profound searching after knowledge... many people have chosen to seek knowledge rather than to live well... (Imitation, book1, ch3)

The more HUMBLE and obedient one is to God, the greater will be his wisdom and peace. (Imitation, book1, ch4)

If you wish to profit from your reading, read with HUMILITY, simplicity and faith, and do not try to impress others with your great learning. (Imitation, book1, ch5)

The proud and greedy never rest; the poor and HUMBLE in spirit rest in great peace. Anyone who is not completely free from the grip of his own vanity is easily tempted and is toppled by small, trifling things. (Imitation, book1, ch6)

If you have any good qualities, believe that other people have better ones; by doing so you will retain your HUMILITY. (Imitation, p7)

Sometimes it is good that we put up with people speaking against us, and sometimes it is good that we be though of as bad and flawed, even when we do good things and have good intentions. Such troubles are often aids to HUMILITY, and they protect us from pride. (Imitation, book1, ch12)

Yet, temptations are often very good for a person ... for through them one is HUMBLED... Many people try to escape temptations, then fall more severely into them! We cannot win by running away, but by patience and true HUMILITY we become stronger than all our enemies. (Imitation, book1, ch13)

If just once you could perfectly enter the inner life of Jesus and experience a little of his passionate love, then you would not care at all about what you might gain or lose in this life. You would even bear insults gladly, for the love of Jesus makes a person think of himself in a very HUMBLE way. A lover of Jesus and of truth, a genuinely spiritual person who is free from a troubled heart, can turn himself to God at any time, rise above himself, and rest joyfully in the Lord. (Imitation, book2, ch1)

The fact that others know our faults and disapprove of them is often a great help in deepening our HUMILITY. When a person HUMBLES himself for his failings he easily satisfies others and he appeases those who are angry with him. God protects and delivers a HUMBLE person; He cherishes and consoles him. God gives himself to a HUMBLE person; He bestows great grace on him, and after his HUMILIATION he raises him to glory. God reveals his secrets to those who are HUMBLE, and He sweetly draws them to Himself. The HUMBLE person in the midst of trouble is filled with peace, for he depends on God alone. Do not think that you have made any progress unless you feel truly HUMBLE before God and others. (Imitation, book2, ch2)

Grace will always to be given to the truly grateful, and what is usually given to the humble will be taken away from the proud. I willingly accept grace that grace which makes me more HUMBLE and reverent, more ready to abandon myself into God's hands. (Imitation, book2, ch10)

To the humble He revealeth His secrets, and sweetly draweth and inviteth him to Himself.The humble man, having received reproach, maintaineth himself well enough in peace, because he is fixed in God and not in the world. Never think that thou hast made any progress till thou look upon thyself as inferior to all. (Imitation, book3, ch4, v4)

It is good for me, Lord, that you have HUMBLED me so that I may learn how you think and so that I may toss aside all pride and presumption. (Imitation, book3, ch50)

Being humble doesn't mean being weak; it means to be strong. We must lose ourselves to find ourselves. It is this new revelation, humbling ourselves... loving our enemies...that will connect us with infinity. (Awakening, p205)

HUMILITY is a very open-mindedness (earth not flat) and not arrogant (ie. Jews not believing in JC). One must down power and raise love. God is love and wisdom (but in His wisdom, He hides knowledge (power) from the wise and graces the HUMBLE (as He Himself is HUMBLE as shown by His imminance in creation. (Randy)