

"The Tao moves by returning in endless cycles. By yielding, it overcomes (Tao 40)." We are part of a universal pattern of growth which renews itself in cycles. Moving from day to night, spring to winter, active yang is enevitably followed by dormant yin, which gives birth to new yang. Cooperate with the natural patterns in our world. One must not go against the grain. (Tao Peace, p33-5)

The Tao moves by returning in endless cycles. By yielding, it overcomes, creating the 10,000 things, being from nonbeing. (Tao 40) Throughout nature the 10,000 things move along, but each returns to its source. (Tao 16) (Tao Peace, p134-6)

What we give out inevitably comes back to us. The cycles of Tao are like the Buddhist law of karma. Every action produces a corresponding reaction. Buddhists transcend the frustrating cycles of karma through nirvana, a mystical unity with life. (Tao Peace, p173)

Life is a cycle of birth-death. (Conversations, p32)

Expect spiritual highs and lows just as there are seasons, cycles, etc. The highs are for enjoyment and the lows are for testing and purification. (Randy)