

People of the lie, lie to themselves and others by being ignorant of their faults or wrongdoing. (Further, p38)

The belief in the divinity of man is a lie. It is, in fact, the original lie that Satan used. He convinced Eve to eat of the forbidden fruit with the lure that if she did so she would “be like God.” Satan has used this lie throughout history to deceive many. (

Jesus taught that everyone, no matter who, was a child of God, and could experience the love of God in their lives.The Lie, as we can see, opened Pandora’s Box and let loose destructive beliefs and dogma by birthing the controlling and dis-empowering concept of Original Sin When we put our resurrection into the hands of another, as the Christian Church preaches, we achieve easy and illusionary salvation using the language of Christianity. When we are not responsible for our own resurrection of self (spirit and soul), we are prevented from becoming an authentic human being. How tragic and destructive this is to each person that follows this Lie and this travesty of truth.(

When we are in the habit of lying, we end up lying to ourselves and believe our own lies. Most lies are half truths, even the deception by the serpent was a half truth that you won't die (immediately, but will later) and will be like gods knowing of good and evil (unfortunately we don't know good except by knowing evil also). (Randy)

We live in the age of HALF-TRUTH, the age of non-compromise, of total condemnation or total approval, where all is black and white and there are no grays. And so, we live in an unreal world, because the real one has a lot of gray in it. (Crucifix, p29)

A lover who can't even swallow his pride long enough to take the first halting, humble step toward reconciliation after an argument isn't really a lover at all so much as a feeble, phony, hung-up liar. (Crucifix, p17)