

Christos (Greek) means "the anointed one" or "chosen one."

Council of Nicaea (325) resolved that Christ was no mere creature. The Creator and Redeemer were one. (Hist, p111)

fully human and fully divine

God-Man; son of God and son of man

The knowledge that god dwells within each of us is realized when we enter into Christ consciousness. (

Our "Christ Self" is our inner "anointed one" who lives in Spirit within us. The Christ within us, known as "Christ consciousness" expresses the most ideal qualities of human life. Jesus said: "He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do" (John 14:12) (Divine Rev, p75)

"You are the Christ, incarnation of God, or child of God" should not be misinterpreted as singling one out as the one and only Christ. Everyone is a Christ and a child of God. (Divine Rev, p183)


Anti means "against" and "in place of." The Antichrist is both against God and seeking to take the place of God [to be worshipped/honored]. (Beginning of the End, p132)

Antichrist wants to control Middle Eastern oil. (Beginning of the End, p174


Early Christianity was known as "The Way" (Acts 9:2)(

At the core of Christain doctrine there is the strange concept of sacrifice. The sin of Christianity has not been the sin of doctrine, but the sin of practice - a failure to integrate its behavior with its theology. (Further, p199-200)

The foundation of these teachings was that human beings could be saved by both believing his word and by modelling their lives on the higher moral law of God, that higher moral law that was the foundation of Jewish law. To this end he believed that Pharisaical teaching was an appropriate guide to following this higher moral law; his criticism of the Pharisees was that they did not live by what they taught. In line with this higher moral law, Jesus of Nazareth preached an ethics of selfless concern for the welfare of others, rejection of material wealth, and non-retribution, all of which were standard in Jewish ethics. Righteousness is a quality of the interior state of the individual. This was not really a break with the Jewish tradition, but it was the core of the way Jesus defined the human relationship with the divine. human beings can enter individually into a correct relationship with God through both faith and trust in God and through an active, ethical concern with both the material well-being and the suffering of others. (

I don't believe that Jesus wanted an institutionalized religion. He called himself the son of man. He understood himself as an embodiment of the new person of God's creation / kingdom. We must be reborn to become a child of God. We are challenged to become another Christ .. in which our divine essence dominates. Jesus has not called on us to revere (adore) him, we are to follow him, to become like him. As long as we overstress his divinity, we setup an unbridgeable gap between him and ourselves. He is the first born and we are brothers and sisters. Being children of God has to be experienced as the Divine breaking through in us. The denial of the Divine in us is the real sin. Redemption is liberation from this ignorance to knowlege of our true divine being. Only love gives us the power to abandon everything so as to enter into this new order of being. (Meaning, p135-7)

For themes of the Christian life, see ACCEPTANCE, RELATIONSHIP, and BALANCE

"Christianity is the building of an intimate [via knowledge and love] and personal relationship [ie. marriage] with God through JC." (Video in Rev II Class, Kay Aurthur) We are given the freedom to chose to work and assume responsible for our part of that relationship or not to.' (Randy)

Christianity promises to make men free; it never promises to make them independent (???) [or irrespondsible.]

Living the Christian life is like living upside down: everything that the world says is most important isn't. Being a Christian is a radical calling - a calling to despise and reject the values of this world and to be at odds with it. Suffering means deprivation of happiness in this world. The world's rewards are immediate and we don't like to wait and those who wait get second best. (Vanity, p65-67)

To be a Christian is to be a follower of Jesus. This means to place his teachings and his example at the center of your understanding of how to live, of what is important in life, and of what God is like. His message in your heart must show itself in your actions, in the way you treat people and in what your goals in life are. (Common Sense, p62)

The building of an intimate (via knowledge and love) and personal relationship (ie. marriage) with God through JC. We are given the freedom to chose to work and assume responsible for our part of that relationship or not to. (Kay Aurthur, Rev II class)

Christianity is a religion of paradox.


Derived from Old English, Christ's Mass, is the celebration of the birth of Christ in Bethlehem. (PS, 12/96)