The mystic for whom intimate and personal communion has been the mode under which he best apprehended Reality, speaks of the consummation of this communion as the Spiritual Marriage of his soul with God. (p496) Union with God needs some other personal and intimate vision to complete it. Unitive life is not self-loss in an Essence, but self-fulfilment like a Spritual Marriage. (p509) The fusion of two in spiritual marriage attains a new divine order - as Aquinas said "the last perfection supervene upon a thing, is its becoming the cause of other things." (p512) The true "mystic marriage" imparts reproductive power of a Spiritual Alchemists. (p517) (Mysticism)
The essence of God is One. In creation the One divided itself into an unlimited number of possibilities, manifesting itself in the many. All creatures sense that they are no longer whole and presses back toward Oneness - our deepest essence. The search for the completing part had to begin - each half needs the other in order to experience itself as a Whole. The splitting up of the One brought separation, but also Love which is the force urging us back to the One. Our ego tends to oppose this basic force leading us to fusion with the One, but we can through self-surrender. The true human being is the Godman - the person who knows that the divine dimension is part of their wholeness. (Meaning, p273-6)
The purpose of marriage is to create a new entity, a single being made up of two formerly separate individuals, each supplying what the other lacks. We make ourselves vulnerable because they can hurt you in ways that strangers can't and they know how to hurt you with a clarity that outsiders can never have. However, such a union, when it works, transcends our isolation in the world and finds a new sense of wholeness, a sense of having the empty places in our lives filled. (How Good, p98)
The essence of marital love is not romance but forgiveness. Romantic love overlooks faults ("love is blind") in an effort to persuade ourselves that we deserve a perfect partner. Mature marital love sees faults clearly and forgives them, understanding that there are no perfect people. (How Good, p103)
Marriage means finding the husband who will encourage our masculine side to emerge or the wife who will help us give birth to the feminine side buried within us. We are attracted to people who seem to have what we lack, and who therefore promise to make us whole. (How Good, p111,113)
Marriage is like yin and yang where you in order to be whole and re-produce, then each has to join together. (Randy)