

The Tibetan word for inspiration actually means "force of transformation" implying that the virtuous qualities of the object transform the nature of your mind. (Dalai Lama, p65)

We spend long hours training, so that our bodies and our minds will not be the limitation of our capaacity to serve this deepest inspiration. When we have connected to that vitality within us and aroused it, when we have rought it to the forefront of our awareness, we step aside and let it do what it wills. Our ability to do this is our real expression of devotion, of sacrifice, and of gratitude. (Stillness, p232)

The knowledge of what has always been remains in us, as part of his plan. Sometimes we call in intuition, at other times we call it inspiration. When we follow our hearts, when we are in tune and balanced, and when we listen to the still inner voice within us...we "Know." As God's spiritual children, we are a part of him. God is love, and love is in us, and that is our source of energy. Sometimes we lose our ability to love because it has been overshadowed by struggle, despair, anguish, and fears. (Awakening, p53)