
Randy Scott's Spiritual Journal

'71 - Thought God split-up into each person & didn't exist as a whole

'73 - Watched Ten Commandment's; King of Kings; Greatest Story Ever Told Movies on TV

'75 - Read Bible in Florida w/ Bonnie, had fear of being tested and having to do alot of work

'92 - Faith of having kids going to Floyd's birthday party

'93 - Tears w/ prayer re: guilt or God's dispersion

'93 - Coincidence/Faith of Uncle Jimmy at McDonalds

'93 - Revelation when jogging and thought about St. name of Paul

'93 - Coincidence/Faith of power receptacle at work for 2nd rack of E50

'93 - Dream of a robin on back porch as sign of holy spirit

'93 - God's grace of seeing a migration of birds at Beaver Lake

'93 - Coincidence/Faith of seeing 2 robins on Easter

'93 - Coincidence/Faith of picking out the right books to read

'93 - Depression and blue because of Ev and Bonnie - Peter 3:15

'93 - Dream of me having keyring w/ Jesus' name for pool hall hoodlums

'93 - Tears w/ prayer re: loving God like love of family

'93 - God's grace of my religious talks with Jordan

'93 - God's grace of knowing that Ron Kenyon was born again

'93 - God's grace of having Bob Pleman visiting us

'93 - God's revelation to me is my wanting to read scripture

'93 - God has to be transcendent for us not to worship his power

6/24/93 - Devil tempted me with library book of "The Lost Gospel: The Book of Q"

6/29/93 - Almost hit jogging and death of Bonnie's mother's sister as signs

1. to live every day as your last (and therefore how full it becomes)

2. fear of God - erronously thought death when I know God

7/02/93 - Commentary that Jesus' death was a sin of human sacrifice

7/24/93 - God saved me from tickets for DWI and speeding 50 in a 35

9/23/93 - Prayed for strength to tolerate Randy's behavior rather than it chg

- Bonnie got direction from a church person about ADD rather than from a teacher or medical person

9/93 - God has feelings too!

10/93 - When we become angels, suffering won't end because we'll see all evil

11/18/93 - God has a way to make good (Lyn/Dave w/ Whs Line) out of suffering

11/29/93 - Everthing is somehow related symbolically or paradoxilly to God

12/1/93 - The Phantom (or Beauty and Beast) could be about God and Us (t)

12/1/93 - Miss Siagon shows unlimited love of God with unlimited suffering

12/1/93 - Protential problems to remind us of what could happen w/o grace

12/2/93 - Ontario Science Center reminded me of God's omini-science

12/2/93 - Discussion of purgatory made me believe that the truth that we are

more evil that we realize is not realized by most and is hard to bear,

but once realized, glorifies the holiness of God that much more

(another example of beauty and beast)

12/4/93 - God's cmd not to eat of tree of Good & Evil may have been of God's

love for us not to suffer (because knowing evil does).

8/3/94 - Saw how faith/hope can help after seeing Bonnie's mothers lack of faith/hope made her terrorified thinking that she would die during operation.

8/13/94 - Karate demo sadden me that that kind of energy, discipline, and effort couldn't go into religion. Or if more religion could be incorporated into the Karate program. I hope I can precede with my religion with that same passion.

8/14/94 - When Paulette asked why I been giving flowers I missed my opportunity to praise God for it being his grace/glory.

8/15/94 - Timing of reading "Inside Out" (which I feel God lead me to find) after being unsympathic to Bonnie's mother terror and fantasizing.

8/16/94 - each data communication vendors having their own way/style is symbolic of the tower of babel

8/17/94 - seeing God face to face would be like us going closer to the sun

8/18/94 - my misconceptions about DB2/400 are a symbol of my misconceptions about God and religion.

8/19 - Paulette's problems and the fact that she has to lie to our mother makes me feel graced (w/ lesser problems) and strong (in not having to resort to lieing to cover my feelings)

8/20 - wondered if Paige's death was because of too strong of a dependence on technology and not faith in God

8/21-By seeing and understanding the bad things it should help make us more fully appreciate the good things

8/22-We can love God by our appreciation of the good things that are common, little, or mixed w/ bad. Our love of Jesus s/b like St. John's, the beloved disciplce, who wrote in Rev 22:20 "Amen, Come Lord Jesus". And the power of love will energize.

8/23 I don't exactly agree with Cathlocism that believes grace is given unequally (contrary to parable of tenants) and that grace in us is different from the Holy Spirit within us.

8/24 St. John's love of God was that of love for a personal friend. Problems with Paulette, Paige, people at Hutchings should remind me how well off I have it. I hope that Paulette's strong faith to trust in God in traveling alone to Florida isn't wasted by not having love in her heart for God.

8/25 Kingdom is like the new Jerusalem. Power is the virtues and gifts of the HS. Glory (adoring praise, thanksgiving, gleaming beauty or magnificence, spledor, bliss of heaven) is due because of the long suffering perfect love. Deep faith, lack of any guilt, clear conscience to be able say "Come Lord Jesus". How is hope different from faith, maybe faith is now and hope is for the future? Love by appreciating (eyes to see and ears to hear) the goodness of God (t).

8/26 Sinners merit hell (death-separation) and saints do NOT merit heaven (life-togetherness w/ God), but thru faith in JC who paid the debt on the cross, we have grace. The more humble and aware of the extent/seriousness of our sins the more blessed by God we seem to get.

8/29 Feeling Randy's separation towards me makes me feel bad about that and also how God must feel when I sin. The faith we

have in the strength of steel (ie. rollercoaster tracks) which wears down s/b less than our faith in God who never changes. Faith must be so important because it is a power (ie. for miracles, to move mountains, etc).

8/30 Instead of feeling bad about not having a deeper relationship with my father and friends, I should feel glad because that has led me to be more dependent upon God.

8/31 no thoughts today - maybe suffering helps to think/feel spiritually

9/1 Kingdom=Love, Power=Faith, Glory=Hope. Old Testament = Faith, New Testament = Love

9/2 I don't have eyes to see and ears to hear because of my selfishness. I so strongly want to see things my ways rather than God's way.

9/3 Start including THANKS, PRAISE and PROVIDENCE in this journal. Change the order of my prayers (Hail Mary 1st) and added "THANK YOU FOR" to the "Our Father". I need to put more emphasis on coming out of myself and forget about me and start thinking more of others. My guilt is of not giving of my time and talents.

9/4 I don't need to wait until I feel holy because God always loves me. It's absurd that I think I need a sign because there is a sign in all of God's creation (esp. the ordinary things in life). All I need is eyes to see and hears to hear.

9/5 The movie "Philadephia" made me see how prejudice I am.

Thinking about prior software purchases and time made me feel guilty. THANK GOD ON BUYING "FINDING GOD" which I thought was $7.95, not $17.95. Dreamed of Bonnie going to see another guy, THANK GOD BONNIE AND I DON'T HAVE THOSE PROBLEMS.

9/6 I don't have a heart to love because it involves pain and suffering. The more evil I see in myself, the more holiness I see in God/Jesus. I need to start thinking that many things about myself are selfish when I look at things from God's perspective

(which is upside down and inside out). Dream about squid makes me THANK GOD THAT EVIL IS LIMITED TO CERTAIN ENVIRONMENTS.

9/7 THANK GOD THAT HE LOVES AND FORGIVES AS I AM. My bigger sins are not trusting him (but myself like the Fall - idolatry) and not thanking and praising his character of love and forgivingness (like Jesus and Prodigal Son). Need to expose my selfishness (not to suffer), but to know (identify with) God thru suffering like building a house to w/stand a storm (not where there are no storms). FELT GRATEFUL after seeing "Schendler's List" however did make me wonder why God didn't show providence. When prosecuted by Ralph at mtg for not knowing more about current events I FELT SECURE IN THE FACT THAT RATHER I AM LEARNING MORE ABOUT GOD.

9/8 There is more power in goodness than evil (ie. Schendler List - cmdr forgiving a person or God/JC forgiving us). It is right to want perfection, but is wrong to demand it (pride makes us demand it). Felt guilty w/ my time reading, rather than family.

9/9 After visiting G'pa Fyold I sinned by wondering why God designed old age that way and felt sorry that G'pa doesn't spent more time w/ spiritual activities (but likes Norman Perle). THANKS FOR MY JOB, CRABB'S BOOK, SPARE TIME, AND HEALTH. Feel guilty of not appreciating how good I have it and not volunteering my time.

9/10 Spiritual gifts are like our senses; they enable us to percieve the spiritual world.

9/11 Dream that old frat brother didn't buy me a drink does show that I am guilty of not being socialable. Faith, hope, and charity are like our senses of sight and hearing. Faith in Jesus is like having eye-glasses or hearing-aid.

9/12 Danielle Steel movie made me feel how forgiveness is the greatest act of love (t). THANK GOD FOR BONNIE'S INTEREST IN GOLF.

9/13 Dream about rats that couldn't get past the guards on the rope to the boats is like us that can't get to heaven (except by faith in Jesus and forgivingness of God). THANK GOD FOR TEAM WORK FOR SUCCESSFUL P/R CHECK RUN. Faith is so important to God since it makes us depend upon him (we are no more than what His grace makes us) rather than ourselves (who are guilty and helpless). How can I be more grateful?

9/14 OT teaches obedience, whereas, the NT teaches loving obedience. (NT is fulfillment of the OT).

9/15 We will see Jesus' scars when we met him in heaven. The

Kingdom of God is when a person has God ruling them as a king. Faith, hope, and charity are like the primary colors.

9/19 After thinking about how I AM (is idolatry(t)) jealous of Joe's socialability I realized I should THANK GOD FOR ALLOWING ME TO REALIZE IT AS A GIFT (MODEL FOR ME) AND NOT A LUST. Eyes to see that invisible world (kingdom of God, which is not a place, but the rule of God in one's heart - loving obedience). 1st Cmd to love God with all our heart (love), soul (spirit), mind (faith?), and strength (obedience???). THANK GOD FOR LEADING ME TO PAT ROBERTSON'S BOOK AND THAT THE THOUGHT THAT I MAY NOW BE READY FOR IT. I prayed for Bonnie to have a positive mental attitude (PMA).

9/20 Bonie went golfing! Love (Jesus) never fails and love (God/Jesus) endures forever. I didn't learn much today because I thought all I had to do was to read, but now I know that I need God's providence and grace for things to be revealed. THANKS FOR LETTING ME KNOW FR. GANTLEY.

9/21 Paradox of greatness from humility/trust/openness/teachable. Set goals and have a positive mental attitude (PMA) and patience. Synergy (harmonics) of having all virtues or Pat Robertson's laws working together. THANKS THAT GOD IS SYNERGY OF OMNIPOTENCE WITH OMNISCIENCE WITH PERFECT GOODNESS. THANKS THAT KATHY BILL CALLED WHICH BROKE THE ICE - GOD MAKES THE FIRST MOVE AND IS POSSIBLE BY HIS GRACE. Rejecting God's overwhelming grace/love (sin) for us, hurts him very much and shows how very evil we can be.

9/22 Balance is needed between not persuitting God and thinking that I am controlling the persuit. God only reveals what he feels I am ready for, deserve, need at that time, etc.


9/25 Love of self are the cities of the world and love of God (with the despising of self) is the City of God.

9/26 Look at the positive over the negative: our faith, hope, and love does have short comings, but THANK GOD HIS FAITH, HOPE, AND LOVE IS PERFECT, INFINITE, AND ETERNAL.


9/28 THANK GOD FOR HIS LOVE AND MERCY since his forgiveness of our sins sets us free (t), and therefore, we should be joyful. Similarily Bonnie's forgiveness of Kathy set both of them (and families and some friends) free (of the conflict and tension).


9/30 I am a fool for God for spending money on books and according to Bonnie by spending time reading rather than doing.

10/3 The entire bible is either a foreshadowing (OT) of Jesus or the actual revealation (NT) of him.

10/19 Prayed for relief from frustrations of home, work, and God.


2/2/95 God's will and his spirit are the same thing.

3/7 Love is so very very delicate & therefore we need to be more sensitive

3/7 Listen/see and not ignore evil, should make me more grateful

(ie. cripple at the chapel)

3/7 Glory is justice due to adore/respect God

3/7 Mysticism is knowledge/appreciation by the initiated one

(ie. can't put pearls before swine or steak to dogs)

Son of Man and Son of God = JC = God-Man

Will = Spirit

Faith is one way to love God, service is another

My love was heighten seeing G'pa Floyd suffering death - is like God's suffering love for us

Paradox of God's transcendance and emmanance

A surfer on a wave is like man going with God's will/spirit

We are like pearls before swine - God's love is so very, very delicate/fragile and we are so insensitive to God love (good that He is transcendance). We can start by being sensitive to other peoples love.

4/5 We must quiet/still and LISTEN to the silent presence of God. God is silent and has only faint traces because He is humble.

The amount of grace received is proportionate to the surrender of all things less than God.

?/?? - God answered my prayers for Danny (operation) and Paulette (job)

?/?? - MOTHER, Father, and Son in union with the Holy Spirit

Mother and Father (Tau - completeness) produce Son (a new creation)

7/10 - After sad b'day at Welsey, God cheered me w/ his face @ Cath window

7/24 - Paradox of needing to feel guilty to be more appreciative

7/25 - Paradox of God being both merciful and punisher

8/2 - Realizing the need to sense guilt

8/7 - Realization of less glory to me, gives more glory to God

Perhaps better health or golf is not from my doing, but from God's doing

8/8 - Perhaps chance is really God's providence

8/9 - Alpha and Omega = Source and Destination

How does Source (being anything and everything that is good)

relate to our free-will decisions for goodness ???????????

Perhaps faith is free-will, whereas, works derived are from the Spirit.


The clearer eye can see both more evil and more goodness

Is sadness re: evil like dying with Christ?

Does extreme sadness bring joy/estasy (knowing it is only temoral)

8/15 - the WORLD includes your wife and kids

humility gives glory to God

Is anger against evil righteous by humans? by God?

Discernment is accomplished by relating it to love

8/20 - disloyalty and anger = lack of love

8/22 - Self righteousness = self centeredness = selfishness

Remember to give dependence and glory to God not myself

God = Perfect Goodness = Alpha (source) and Omega (destination)

8/23 - pride -> self righteousness, whereas, humility -> God righteousness

Confidence by bible study, prayer, and church

Confidence also from reminders of symbolism in world (esp. ordinary)

8/24 - Glory = Respect = Honor = Workship = Holy = Faith = Trust/Dependence

8/25 - Faith = Confidence in God (not self) THANK GOD FOR GOLF MEMBERSHIP

8/28 - The thing you love the most is where God tests your faith to Him!

God made us as perfect creatures but our own free will/sin prevents it.

8/29 - The one thing we don't want to do is the one thing God wants us to do

8/30 - Pride/selfishness/independent of God is the root of all evil/sin

faith, hope, patience, but without love they are nothing (1Cor 13:1-4)

8/31 - Know -> Love -> Faith -> Obedience - THANK GOD FOR MY WIFE & KIDS

How selfish I am:

w/ Bonnie saying things are always my way & sex object

w/ work (ie. IBM rather than HP, OT$, power, control)

w/ bad thoughts and prejudices toward others

w/ thinking God is unjust

9/1 - Life is from goodness & God's goodness gives existence and external life

9/5 - Love/Mercy/Forgivingness of God prevails over sin and infidelity

Love is transformed into mercy when goes beyond justice to overcome evil



Pride = confidence in self, Idolatry = worldly confidence in wife & family

Last hurdle to confidence in God may be to overcome confidence in family

Invites us to mercy for the Son draws us to be adopted children of God

9/7 - Anger is bad when it is personal, controls us, and stays with us

9/8 - Need to focus away from self and towards others, the whole, Univ (God)

9/9 - Who you are saved from is YOURSELF!

Asking in prayer is a freedom of choice

Prayer, meditation (listening), and worship (thanks) sb at least 1 hour

Heaven is not a place, but a state of mind/mood/attitude

9/11- THE EXTRAORDINARY (beyond ordinary) WILL SEEM ORDINARY (ie. violence)


9/12- Father (1st harmonic), MOTHER (2nd), Son (3rd), New Man (4th harmonic)

Son = Bridegroom for marriage with the church -> new creation of man

New (re)creation of man -> new earth which is controlled by a spirit of Goodness by dependance upon God (and not ourselves) thereby All in All

God's body is the physical universe which is growing and perfecting

Devil never existed except in our minds (save from yourself - see above)

Evil exists temporarily from freedom (of choice,chance) and God's nonprov

Good exists eternally by choosing God's ways/spirit/life/truths/rules

Eyes to see & ears to hear = selfishness prevents seeing the whole (God)


| Creator | ^

V | |

Heaven & Earth (Mother)---Holy Spirit----New Heavens & Earth

| | ^

V | |

Mankind ---> Jesus (Son of Man/God) ---> New Man (Daughter)

9/13-Revelation of JC is the uncovering of the suffering for our current sin

and consequently, the glory due for His suffering and for our healing

9/19-Paradox of Justice - God has to both punish and love

Paradox of Guilt - we must repent but not self destruct

9/27-Understanding, confidence and motivation needed to overcome 7 deadly sins

Understanding that God (Father/Son/HS) is both the SOURCE and destination

Confidence = faith/hope/endurance

10/4-Will/Word of God

10/10-Glory is the presence of God (t)

10/18-Paradox of God's justice and mercy

10/26-Realization of mercy for my benefit, foolishly I thought for Paulette's

11/01-Love for family more important than learning doctrine (ie. Ephesus)

Mind (tree of knowledge) s/b less important than heart (tree of life)


Imagination links the mind (knowledge) and the heart (love) - wisdom

11/06-Randy's paper route - Thanks for Randy/my bonding and appr to God


11/09-We try to control life apart from God, but should:

- vow poverty (of our possesions)

- chastity (of our passions)

- obedience (of our authority)

11/21-Light at Bayberry church went on 3x as mom and I passed 3 weeks in a row!!!

Many other seemingly coincidences could in fact be God's prov/love/grace

11/27-Overcome difficulties with love, not power (like Jesus dying on cross)

God disciplines those He loves.

12/13-Pride (self-righteousness) is the root of all evil

self-righteousness = independently of God to know truth and do good

12/16-Creation (past/Father), redemption (present/Son), re-creation (future/HS)

12/18-look/listen/feel God's love, rather than His power

12/27-J was physically same as us, but spiritually perfect (we are imperfect)

Spiritual/moral perfectness is so difficult that no one can obtain

2/12/96 - Those that don't stand for anything, will fall for anything.

- Daily bread = eucharist

3/12-Reading Schuller's book "Prayer: My Soul's Adventure With God"

-was thinking about what lesser god meant and therefore greater God

-starting to experience/feel evil 1st hand with problems at home (being put down by Bonnie & dis-respect by the kids) and work (single platform study)

- related my problems with evil with Christ's passion

08/28/96 - during disaster at work I identified w/ Jesus' passion & resurrection - God's providence gave me a commendation and improved disaster plan

6/21/97-We can listen to God by listening to other people

6/22/97-God accepts me as I am and when God said: "I am who I am" if wonder if he meant that we should accept Him as He is. He is the entire world and all its people and that we should not only accept these with all their imperfections, but that we should worship God for those by giving thanks and being grateful here and now (we don't have to wait to be in heaven).

6/23/97-Love is not rational to human, but is a feeling. I wonder if love is rational to God? I wonder if: Love is like a water fountain, where it is continually shooting up, but falls back in order to repeat the process over and over again. The mystery (paradox) of love is that: the surrendering of oneself is what gives oneself life/wholeness. If wonder if: the giving/serving of a piece for the whole is what makes the piece a part of the whole?

6/24/97-Evolution not only seems to be a joint effort among all people, but also a joint effort between humanity and divinity. God wants us to evolve just as much as we want to. We need God's spirit and God needs our bodies. God's spirit gives us the right direction and our bodies is the agent to make it happen.

1/18/07 - My thoughts about why Jesus' teachings were esoteric (blonging to the select few, secret, hidden, mysticism)

2/27/08 - Like God/Jesus we need to be suffering servants because that is the way of love. We need to be selfless just like God is selfless (ie. has no form in which to sense, but we can feel him through love).

7/15/08 - William Barclay's commentary on Matt 6:9 says "hollow be thy name" means God's character is to be regarded as holy (different or separate) from the ordinary. This is not a petition, but a request that people will understand the presence of God among them with awe and reverence.

7/16 - How can holy (separated from sin) and holistic (wholly) both be God's nature? Is holy his essence and holistic his being? Is my mosiac vision also both essence (the whole) and being (each individual)?

7/17 - Maybe holy, meaning as different rather than separate, is his transendant nature versus his immanent nature.

7/18 - Upon contemplating holy, reverence, gratefulness, appreciation of God, I had a slight feeling of bliss and realized that the path was not of enlightenment (or knowledge, as in the tree of knowledge of good AND EVIL), but the tree of life (thru love?).

7/23 - One way to appreciate the now and ordinary things taken for granted, is to count my blessings. An example of synergy where 1 + 1 = 3 is the birth of a child.

7/28-Googled "Union with God" and came upon this Quaker site which says 2nd coming of Christ is personal

7/29-The world is filled with God (and love) but our eyes don't see it (t). Meditated in the relationship of Sin, Selfish, and Separate. Prayed for relief of Randy's legal problems.

9/8-See "grace"

9/10-Am I seeking and focusing on the forbidden fruit of knowledge of God rather than seeking and focusing on love (tree of life)? Note that with knowledge we tend to pick one side or the other, when in fact it should be both / paradoxially (with love).

10/15/11 - After realizing how much my love is conditional and God's is unconditional, I thought about the Trinity. Knowing that God is creative and therefore having abundant manifestations and knowing that God is love and therefore unity, I realized that the Trinity is NOT any one concept, but the archetype of all harmonyous opposites (ie. Father and Mother birthing a Son; or Matter and Spirit coming together in humankind, etc.)

10/22 - After thinking that if I humble myself like on 10/15 I might be able to force God into giving me another revelation, I realized that I was trying to use / manipulate God and that my love is so conditional. Then I realized I don't need to know anything more, that this Trinity revelation was the "key" to all spiritual concepts.

10/23 - Knowing that yesterday I tried to use God and wanted more, I realized that like Satan and Adam I was not content with knowing that the Trinity "key" was the treasure or big fish catch of all spiritual concepts; and therefore I should just simply rest in that knowing.

11/6/12 - Trinity = Holy Spirit - Father (mind) - Son (body/material)

5/9/13 - Trinity as Father being the macrocosm of infinite physically, intelligence/wisdom, and unconditional loving spirit and the Son being the model or ideal being in the microcosm form of a person and Holy Spirit being the unity / harmony of wills and desires of sons with the Father.

6/8/13 - After reading The Mystical Theology of the Eastern Church, they perceive the Holy Spirit in his hypostatic being NOT as a bond of love, but a divine person who communicates to each human hypostatasis, to every member of the Church. (Maybe goodness and love are the single essence or nature of God?) I had a analogy of Father=in the outside of prism to the point=Son and on 2nd prism the Son as in and holy spirit (us/church) as out.

8/6/13 - The Tree of Knowledge as not being content with the Mystery (of God) whereas the Tree of Life as being content with God and grateful for the fullness of each moment / now.

The Prayer of An Unknown Confederate Soldier:

I asked God for strength, that I might achieve.

I was made weak, that I might learn humbly to obey.

I asked for health, that I might do greater things.

I was given infirmity, that I might do better things.

I asked for riches, that I might be happy.

I was given poverty, that I might be wise.

I asked for power that I might have the praise of men.

I was given weakness, that I might feel the need of God.

I asked for all things, that I might enjoy life.

I was give life, that I might enjoy all things.

I got nothing that I asked for—but got everything I had hoped for.

Almost despite myself, my unspoken prayers were answered.

I am, among all people, most richly blessed.

8/13/13 - Heaven as being perfect / perfection. Be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect (Matt 5:48).

8/18/13 - Finding God (love / grace, therefore gives us gratitude) in all things as being the key to heaven / tree of life.

11/15/13 - Felt inspired by God for other thnigs on website. Realized in-spired means in-spirit and that God is so gracious that he gives us gifts that will detract our attention away from him. But if we realize that, then we should be all the more grateful for the gifts and yet praise Him as well.