
*BITTERSWEET - also see =*5100

Having eaten of the Tree of the Knowledfge of Good and Evil, humans then feel loss, dread, frustration, jealoaausly, and betrayal at levels animals will never know. It is part of the price we pay for our humanity, for our being able to feel love, joy, hope, achievement, faithfulness, and creativity. (How Good, p23)

Every rose has its thorn.

With rights/rank we have responsibility. (Everything)

Suffering for Jesus is like suffering joyfully. (The Awakening Heart)

Just like bittersweet candy, which is both bitter and sweet at the same time, our good deeds should have joyfull humility since it is really "Christ in us" and also our good deeds misintrepreted in which our imperfect ways are criticised (ie. asking my staff for money for pizza for City Hall, 4/97). (Randy)