

The soul is the real living entity, a reality of the first order, made of the essence of the Supreme One. The mind is inert, unless activated by the soul, and is a reality of the second order, for it is made of the essence of Kal, the negative power. Self‑improvement means purifying the mind. Life on earth is largely a struggle between the mind and the soul. THE ENEMIES ARE THE MIND and its good friends, the senses and the five evil passions. When the mind is smitten by countless desires and is over‑shadowed all the time by avarice, there is no place therein left for God. (Yoga, p80)

The visible is the enemy of the invisible and the temporal is the enemy of the eternal. (Tozer)

By treating them as enemies, trying to push them back, actually

strengthens them because then they have something to fight against. Rather than

fighting them we have to include them. In reality, there are no enemies, we're

all souls in growth, waking up. (Tenth, p227)

If we fight them with anger, hate, they just see an enemy. It makes them

more entrenched. They become more fearful. (Tenth, p98)