Antonmys: SEPARATE
New Age is a movement in the direction of integration and integrity - you can see it in Holistic medicine, ecology movement, etc. We need to move away from competition and compartmentalization toward integration in all aspects of our social and spiritual lives. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater, we need to integrate the best of the new with the best of the old. (p217-8) Prior to the 17th century, science and religion were known as philosophy. Peace was achieved by divvying up the territory between science, religion, and government. (p235) - see Separation (Further)
Integrate all the teachings into one thought. The teachings contained in the various scriptures have one purpose: to subdue the misconception of self. (Dalai Lama, p182)
We may be seeing the beginnings of the reintegration of our culture, a new possibility of the unity of consciousness. Such a new integration will be based on the rejection of all univocal understandings of reality, of all identifications of one conception of reality with reality itself. It will recognize the multiplicity of the human spirit. It will recognize that in both scientific and religious culture all we have finally are symbols, but that there is an enormous difference between the dead letter and the living word. (Robert Bellah, Beyond Belief, Mind, p415)
Each step when climbing a ladder is a 1-2-3 process of: 1 - at the new step you identify with it, you are one with it (fusion); 2 - moving one foot to the next step you differentiate from it, or dis-identify with it, or transcend it; 3 - with both feet now at the next step you are integrated to that new step, remembering that the prior step was included in the process. (Everything, p144)
In ancient times people lived holistic lives. They didn't overemphasize the intellect, but integrated mind, body and spirit in all things. Join your body, mind and spirit in all you do. Choose food, clothing and shelter that accords with nature. Rely on your body for transportation. Allow your work and your recreation to be one and the same. Do exercise that develops your whole being and not just your body. Serve others and cultivate yourself simultaneously... All such imbalances inevitably lead to exhaustion and expiration of the life force. (Taoism, Wisdom, p171)
The alternation between deep silence and action gradually brings the two together. You become fully integrated, a contemplative and yet fully capable of action at the same time. You are Mary and Martha at once. (Open Mind, p120)
The opening to the feminine will enable us to INTEGRATE. Masculine and feminine recognized as part of a larger whole; for each polarity requires the other for its fulfillment. And their synthesis leads to something beyond itself... a civilization cannot become conscious of itself, cannot recognize its own significance, until it is so mature that it is approaching its own death... of modern/western man... But man is not a goal. Man is something that must be overcome - and fulfilled, in the embrace of the feminine. (Passion, p445)
Integrating Bonnie and Me requires both of us to be more understanding, sensitive, appreciative to the other's thoughts, feelings, and actions so that we both better re-act and communicate with the other. (Randy)