

The 5 stages of mystic conscioussness are: 1. awakening or conversion, 2. self-knowledge or purgation, 3. illumination (or enlightenment, presence, transcendence, reality) 4. surrender (or dark night), 5. union (Mysticism by Underhill, p203)

A mystic is any person who realizes, and is fortunate to maintain, a conscious connection with the Infinite Consciousness — the Infinite Spirit — or any of Its attributes, such as Love, Wisdom, Power, Goodness, Transformation, Wholeness, or Creativity, to name the main ones. (

The mystic feels the bond of love which 'binds in one book the scattered leaves of all the universe." He pierces the veil of imperection and beholds Creation with the Creator's eye. (Mysticism, p314)

A mystic is one who is no longer mystified - by religions, by theologies, by doctrines. (Discover the Power Within You, p78)

Mystics see a kind of cohesion or interconnectedness beneath the surface of things. Mystics love mystery and paradox. For them "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom (Ps111)" means "The awe of God shows you the way to enlightenment" and "Jesus as savior" taught us the way that I myself must follow for my salvation. (Further, p125-6)

The mystical event is a personal experience during which one feels as though one has been touched by some higher or greater truth or power. (

Mysticism is the expression of the innate tendency of the human spirit towards complete harmony with the transcendental order. I believe this movement to represent the true line of development of the highest form of human consciousness. (page x) Oscillation of phases: 1 - Awakening of the Self to consciousness of Divine Reality (aware of the immense distance which separates it from the One), 2 - Purification (detached from the things of sense), 3 - Illumination (spiritual marriage), 4 - Dark Night (the human instinct for personal happiness must be killed - spiritual crucifixation), 5 - Union (transformation or reabsorption of the individual soul in the Infinite/Divine Dark/Nothing/Undifferentiated Godhead. The individual learns to transfer self from a centre of self-activity into an organ of revelation of universal being.), [6 - Activity] (p205-11) (Mysticism)

The mystic school speaks of consciousness that allows us to get a more comprehensive experience of reality. Reason is a prison. Understanding of the self and the world is cosmic. Mystical experience transcends, it moves beyond dualistic opposition, it is more comprehensive than reason. (p5) The mystical experience is an awakening of God. Form and formless are one. There is no subject and object, but only Being. Eckhart said: "A god whom I can comprehend is not God." John of the Cross writes: "Our awakening is an awakening of God, and our uprising is an uprising of God." It is the "love story" between the Divine and the huam, with God always taking the initiative.(p35-9) (Meaning)

The men and women of the future, to paraphase Karl Rahner, will be mystics, or they won't be at all. (Meaning, back cover)