



From Shabad (the Word [aka the HS]) the whole creation is created, dissolved, and re‑created again. (Yoga, p26)

The 4 arms of Shiva symbolize 2 beneficent and 2 destructive; the essential duality of matter and creation. (Yogi, p43)

You can't find the Creator if you're worshiping the creation. (Beginning of the End, p96) - also see IDOLS and DECEPTION

In John 1:3a "Through him all things were made;" (NIV) means the Word was NOT the author of creation (the Creator) but the agent of creation. This agency or instrumentality is translated into English as "through." John 1:10 "the world owed its being to him" (NEB) means that the world was indebted to the Word for its existence; but this does not necessarily indicate that Creation has occurred through his agency. (Bible Versions, p111,118)

By recognizing and understanding "humankind comes to know God, for God is the author of all creation." (Hildegard's Words, Uhlein, Meditations, p104)

This is my creation (son), in which I am well pleased. (Conversation, p62)

There are 3 ways to create 1) take various bits of matter and mix together with various process and add energy, ie bake a cake 2) take a piece of matter and remove unwanted parts, and call the reminder creation, ie, sculpture 3) arrange matter/energy in a pattern, ie. music, prose. Creation can be a combination of 2 or more of the above. It never is ex-nihilo --- that is "magic". (Rick Ide @

The deepest secret is that life is not a process of discovery, but a process of creation. Yoy are not discovering yourself, but creating yourself anew. Seek not to find out Who You Are, seek to determine Who You Want To Be. To remember, and re-create, Who You Are. (Conversations, p20)

What you do in the time of your greastest trial can be your greastest triumph. For the experience you create is a statement of Who You Are and Who You Want To Be. You are always in the process of creating. Events, occurences, happenings, conditions, circumstances - all are created out of consciousness. Creative energy is unleashed whenever two or more are gathered in My Name. And mass consciousness? Is so powerful to create events of planetary consequences. (Conversations, p35)

To be "created in the image of God" is to be called to cocreate a just and merciful world. (Judaism, Wisdom, p177)

"In the beginning, God created" (Gen 1:1), and now we can be "partakers with the Holy Spirit" (2 Pet ?????) to be co-creators with Him via a process of "creation through evolution". (Randy)

All things came to be through him, and w/o him nothing came to be. (Jn 1:3)

Mankind must come to see its role in creation in a profoundly new way: not as a God-given dominion to shape to human ends, as described in Genesis. Man may save himself if he changes his view (like that of the American Indian) of nature to place himself in an inter-dependent network of life forms, believing that evolution is from the beginning a spiritual as well as physical process. Nature is not divine, but in it are reflected aspects of the divine. (HJ 4/13/96 re: Thomas Berry)

I wonder if: "God created everything in 6 days rested on the 7th day" means creation was incomplete (6) and the 7th day is really still in progress, but now with us as co-creators? or if creation was complete and perfect, but now on another cycle after freedom or consciousness was given and the subsequent FALL was a anticipated death of God. (Randy)

I wonder if: in the beginning was the Holy Spirit (ie. 1st harmonic / dimenson), then split like a harmonic does into spirit and the physical universe (ie. 2nd harmonic / dimenson) as the Father, and then the Son, Jesus who is the perfect being that was also both physical and spiritual (ie. 3rd harmonic / dimension). And now in the 4th harmonic / dimension of time the whole of humanity has been granted to be co-creators in order to struggle back towards the garden or paradise lost with the FALL. (Randy)

I wonder if: we are entered into another cycle after the death of God with Jesus and now again another cycle since the death of God in our recent times and yet the start of another cycle with 21st century man? (Randy)

In the beginning, did God CREATE man (Gen 1:26) as stated in the 1st book of the bible or did man create God (History of God, p3) for our need to explain the mysteries of the universe? Perhaps both, but because of the former we have the latter. (Randy)