Is Donald Trump a Political Lone Wolf or a Front Man For a Very Well Organized and Secretive Organization?

Most of us, at the beginning of this recent American presidential election campaign, underestimated Donald Trump – some even laughed and many thought that he was just a boasting narcissist – one who could be easily written off.

What has emerged throughout, during and since his divisive and inflammatory campaign is a completely different story.

There was indeed a carefully planned and strategically sophisticated campaign to target the anxieties and desires of key demographics: workers who absolutely felt the negative effects of industrial globalization – on their incomes, employment security and standard of living. Similarly, many were concerned with the need to renew ailing infrastructure at the same time as lowering the tax burdens from the shoulders of people who did not care for society's responsibilities towards the poor and needy.

The fact that these policies do not match and follow different economic schools of thought - and indeed combining them would undoubtedly create havoc in the American economy and, consequently, the world economy; this did not trouble the policymakers, what mattered above all else, was their appeal to the voters in key and significant demographic groups.

The lack of cohesion and sensible, prudent thought in these policies made many external observers dismiss them – believing them to be merely the ill-conceived thoughts of a simple-minded egotistical showman and demagogue.

Conversely, the result of the election has demonstrated just how well planned all of those policies actually were. They targeted sections of the society that mattered and won the majority of Electoral College votes despite the fact that they lost the popular vote by a large margin.

They appealed to the sections of the society which had suffered and lost their jobs as a result of globalization and immigration policies. They blamed liberals and foreigners for all the ailments of their society - including unemployment, violence and terrorism.

We all thought that once the election was over, common sense would prevail and the extreme policies declared during the election campaign would be modified.

Alas, to everyone's surprise, that was not the case. The choice of his cabinet members and other officials and the fact that, as soon as he became president, he started issuing executive orders to implement what was promised during the election campaign put an end to all our hopes for moderation.

What is becoming apparent is the fact that there is a deliberate attempt to change modern political discourse and political correctness, and moreover, unashamedly move the mainstream to the extreme right. They aim to take away the shame from racism, sexism, xenophobia and bigotry; build walls instead of bridges and separate haves from have-nots to a greater extent than ever before.

This could only be done by a well-organized think tank group behind him, those who have planned it all and hold the strings and use him as their front man.