Conservatives worst possible choice for prime minister

17 June 2017

After Brexit referendum which led to the resignation of David Cameron, Conservative party thought that Theresa May who was home Secretary at the time would be a safe pair of hands for getting them through Brexit negotiation with European politicians.

Bringing forward the election and then mishandling the election campaign was not bad enough, the chosen Prime Minister's lack of courage to meet the people who were the victims of the latest disaster, namely the fire in Grenfell tower showed that not only Theresa May is not a visionary and a statesman ( stateswoman) but she is not even a competent politician.

She may have some skills as a bureaucrat but it takes a lot more to be a competent politician. In politics one has to be brave enough to face all sorts of unpleasant situations starting from facing the public, listening to them sympathizing with their grievances and even bravely hearing their adversary comments. Those who are frightened to face the public or even take part in televised debates are not cut to be a politician let alone the prime minister.

The choice of DUP (Democratic Unionist Party of Northern Ireland) the most reactionary party in the country as partners for forming a new government completed her run of bad decisions. The sooner this government resigned and allowed Labour Party to form a government the better it is.