British Election

9 June 2017

In this election campaign Labour party produced a very well thought and well planned manifesto which would address most of the problems in this country. On the other hand Conservative party was very vague and stressed on strong leadership and nothing else. However, Conservatives despite losing many seats managed to stay the largest party and received most seats and votes.

So long as the culture of Anglo Saxon supremacy amongst some people in England and the United States prevails Conservatives over here and Republicans in America would be able to appeal to a large group of people and Trumpism and it's English equivalent thrive. This is a main cause for national and international tension and unrest among people outside this category.

In recent years young people in both countries showed that they have no time for these kinds of attitudes and wish to build a new world free of bigotry and exploitation. Growth of support for Jeremy Corbyn and Bernie Sanders are good evidence of the cultural maturity and growth of internationalism among the young people both in the UK and in America. This new movement gives hope that the future is going to be brighter what we have experienced so far.