Comedy of Errors


You must have heard about the extraordinary decision by a court in The United States to sell the Iranian archaeological artifacts and give the proceeds to victims of a bombing in Israel. This is actually what happened:

About 70 years ago a number of archaeological artifacts were borrowed by an American archaeologist from an Iranian museum and taken to America with the excuse of carrying out scientific research on them.(The research must have been very profound taking two generations of scientists!).

After 70 years the authorities in Iran suddenly remembered the arrangement and made a request for the return of them to Tehran as well as the results of 70 years research on them! (This is a very good timing since public opinion in America is so badly manipulated by all the anti- Iranian propaganda which was made possible by Ahmadinejad’s naive statement about wiping out the State of Israel from the map of the world!)

Two relatives of the Jews who were victims of a bombing in Israel took the matter to a so-called court of law and argued that since Iran supported Hamas and Hamas was behind the bombing, the Iranian artifacts in Chicago Museum should be sold in an auction and the proceeds paid to the relatives of the victims of the bombings in Israel. (The amazing thing is that the court accepted their crooked argument and voted in their favour)

Apparently among some Americans there is no distinction between the people of Iran and the government of Iran with whom they have considerable disagreements.

On the one hand people like the judge in Chicago have no respect for international laws, justice and diplomacy and on the other hand their government by breaking international conventions sends the wrong signals to the ordinary citizens.