May 2021



A meeting of the Brookridge Condominium Board of Directors was held on May 12, 2021 on Leslie Molinoff’s deck. Present at the meeting were: Paul Spindel, President; Monica Teuscher, Vice President; Leslie Molinoff, Secretary; Paul Roberts Treasurer (via telephone),and Ann Gittelman, Member at Large - all of whom are Directors constituting a quorum. Also present was Tom Pallman, Property Manager. Paul Spindel acted as Chair of the meeting and Leslie Molinoff took the minutes.



Minutes of the Board Meeting held on April 14, 2021 were approved and have been posted.

Paul Roberts reported on the bank balances as of April 30, 2021:

NCB Operating account 30,212

NCB capital reserve account 126,897

Signature Bank MM acct#1893 24,511

Signature Bank CD acct #8283 380,358 (Matures 11/21)

Signature Bank CD acct #3372 248,330 (Matures 03/22)

TOTAL FUNDS $810,308

Projected budget surplus as of April 30th, 2021 is $7,800



Will begin on May 18th. As Certa Pro begins work on each unit, they will be suggesting to each homeowner any wood repairs and/or replacements they see. The cost of those repairs and materials will be borne by the individual unit owner. If you have any special concerns about the condition of your wood and haven’t already done so, please notify Tom Pallman at and he will direct those concerns to Certa Pro. A full new paint job is being considered for 2022 or 2023.

SPRINKLERS SYSTEM: Has been turned on as of Monday, 5/17. They are programmed to go on every night except Wednesday because the grass needs to be dry for mowing on Thursdays.


The pool will be opening SATURDAY, MAY 22ND. Many thanks to the friends of the pool who have

Signed up to do chorine monitoring!

The following changes to the use of our pool are a result of recent changes to Covid-19 restrictions mandated by the CDC and NY State. The Board has relaxed many of the 2020 rules but remains concerned with the safety of all residents of the community. Pool capacity is still limited by social distancing. Other measures regarding cleaning and the concerns of many homeowners further limit our use:

1. Residents of the community, and family members or friends who have been vaccinated are permitted to use the pool.

2. Groups of friends or family, including unit owners, are limited to no more than 6 people.

3. Homeowners must sign a pool liability waiver before using the pool complex. (Waivers will be available at the pool entrance and will be kept on file with Ferrara.)

4. All individuals must “sign in” as they enter the pool area.

5. Family/friend groups should maintain a 6-foot distance from each other when sitting on the pool deck or grass.

6. Chairs and chaises will not be placed on the deck. Please bring your own chair if you plan to sit. Umbrellas will be set up for people who want shade.

7. No food or drinks are permitted. If you bring water, please be sure it is in a plastic container.

8. Plastic tubes and other “floating objects” are no longer allowed in the pool.

9. We urge residents to be mindful of the limited capacity of our facility and to time or limit their use so we avoid crowding.

10. If you, your family member or any guest is running a fever or has not been vaccinated, please do not come to the pool. We recognize that children under 12 are not eligible for vaccinations.yet. Resident children are of course welcome to use the pool. Please use your best judgment when inviting non-resident, non-vaccinated children under 12 in consideration of the safety of our residents.

The Board will revisit these restrictions as the summer progresses and Covid-19 conditions improve.


Have been installed. Some residents have complained that the speed bumps are hard on their cars as well as on their bodies!!!! The board has done considerable research on alternatives but none are designed to slow cars down sufficiently. Our speed bumps are designed to slow cars to 5-10 mph, which is what the Board feels is necessary to insure pedestrian safety!


This year’s annual meeting will be held on June 30th at 5:30 at the lower circle. Mark your calendars!

3 current Board members are up for re-election: Paul Spindel, Leslie Molinoff and Paul Roberts. .No one else thus far has indicated they would like to stand for the Board. As was done last year, the election will be held by e-mail. Tom Pallman will be sending out ballots and instructions within the next few days. Results will be announced at the annual meeting.

A formal Notice of the annual meeting will be emailed shortly. The Notice will include a copy of NYS Offering Plan which approves our conversion to condominium status. It will also include, as a formality, a ratification form for signature by unit owners. More information about this process will be contained in the Notice. All those who do not use email will receive hard copies of the Plan and ratification form with instructions.


The Board has gotten several proposals for re-sealing our streets and anticipates that this project will take place sometime after the summer when the weather will be cooler and our painting touch-up project will have been completed. Proposals are also being looked at for replacing or repairing our street lights. New mailboxes and new lights at the entrance to the community are also being considered as projects down the road. If you have any suggestions regarding these or any other projects, please feel free to email Tom Pallman at

The next Board meeting will be our annual meeting (to be held on June 30th at 5:30 PM in the lower circle, unless we have to meet virtually as result of inclement weather)

There being no further business before the Board, upon motion made and duly seconded, the meeting was adjourned at 5:45 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,

Leslie Molinoff, Secretary