Slow Roasted Pork Carnitas

adapted from Heather at All Roads Lead to the Kitchen

and Rick Bayless, Mexico One Plate at a Time

3 1/2 - 4 pounds pork shoulder cut into 4-inch slabs

Kosher salt

1/3 cup water

Preheat oven: 375° F.

Cut the slabs of pork in half. Salt them liberally on all sides. Arrange them in a shallow roasting pan or casserole dish without crowding. It may be necessary to use two dishes. Pour 1/3 cup water around the meat. Cover the pan tightly with foil. Bake for one hour. (If you are using two pans, pour 1/3 cup water in each pan.)

Raise the oven temperature to 450° F. Uncover the meat and cook until the liquid is completely reduced and only the rendered fat remains, about 30 minutes. Roast the meat about 20 minutes longer turning the meat every 7 to 8 minutes until lightly browned. Break the meat into fairly large pieces. Serve on a warm platter and sprinkle with salt.

Note: If the carnitas will be served in a taco or burrito, the meat should be broken down into the appropriate size.