Cracker Bread Bites

Lavash Cracker Bread



Gorgonzola Cheese

Blueberry/Merlot jam


Preheat the oven to 350°.

Cut the cracker bread into rectangles (1 inch X 3 inches).

Place the pieces on a sheet pan and bake for 5 minutes, or until crisp. (Watch carefully so as not to burn.) The crackers when cool, can be placed in a ziplock bag until ready to use.

Spread a little pesto on the cracker.

Top with a roll of prosciutto. (I quartered the slice of prosciutto and rolled it.)

Add a small piece of Gorgonzola, drop/spread some of the jam, top with arugula leaves.

Place on a platter and serve!

Note: The original recipe suggested fig jam.