Curried Squash Soup

1/4 cup butter

1 1/4 cup onions, finely chopped

1 Tbsp curry powder

2 lbs winter squash (acorn, butternut, etc.)

3 apples, peeled, cored and diced

6 cups chicken broth

1 1/4 cup apple juice

Salt and pepper, to taste

Melt butter in large saucepan. Add chopped onions and curry powder. Cook over low heat until onions are tender.

Peel squash; remove seeds and chop flesh. When onions are tender, pour in broth; add squash and apples. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer, partially covered, until squash and apples are very tender, about 25 minutes.

Pour the soup through a strainer, reserving liquid, and puree solids with a little stock until smooth. Return pureed soup to pot and add apple juice and additional stock, adding just enough of the reserved stock to achieve desired consistency. Season to taste with salt and pepper; serve. Serves 12.