Halibut on the Grill

3 pounds halibut filets

1/4 cup olive oil

1/4 cup white wine

1/8 cup soy sauce

1/8 cup lemon juice

3 large cloves garlic

Chopped flat leaf parsley

Set the grill for 350 degrees.

1. Salt and pepper the fish.

2. Mix the first five ingredients and spoon it over the fish.

3. Sprinkle the chopped parsley over the fish.

4. Marinate for about 20 to 30 minutes.

5. The halibut is then placed skin side down on a piece of foil that has a few holes poked in it so that the juices do not collect. What happens is that the skin sticks to the foil and the fish is easily removed and served.

6. Tent the halibut once it is on the grill.

7. Cooking the halibut to the correct doneness is dependent upon the grill, how hot it is out side! and the thickness of the halibut! Cook the halibut until the largest piece flakes n the center and there are no transparent spots. Remove from the grill immediately.