Layered Black Bean Enchiladas

Serves 4-6


6 six inch corn tortillas

1 pound ground beef or turkey

1 can black beans (15 oz), drained

1 jar salsa (about 15 oz., medium heat)

Taco seasoning (either use a package or add your own: cumin, chili powder, red pepper flakes, etc.)

Mexican blend cheese (or shred some cheddar)


Avocado (for garnish or make guacamole)

Sour Cream


Preheat oven 350°

Grease a 13 X 9 casserole dish

Cut 6 tortillas into quarters. Cover the bottom of the pan with the quarters.

In a large skillet, brown the ground beef over medium high heat and drain any grease. Add the taco mix or seasonings and mix. Reduce the heat to medium.

In a small bowl combine the drain beans and salsa. (I judged the amount of salsa by sight...I used about 3/4 of the jar. I did not want the mixture to be runny....)

Place about 1/2 of the meat mixture over the tortillas in the casserole dish.

Layer the bean and salsa mixture next.

Sprinkle cheese next.

Add another layer of tortilla quarters.

Layer the remaining meat mixture.

Cover with cheese.

Sprinkle with 1-2 Tbsp of cilantro.

Bake for 30 minutes or until cheese is melted and bubbly.