Week 4 - Try Rugby Sevens

Skill focus: Running with the ball and Try Rugby Sevens match play

Session equipment

Download Try Rugby Sevens Football Week 4 task card to support teaching before and during the sport session.  

Fast start - Warriors and dragons 


Activity set-up

How to play

Select card to download

Skill development games

Activity 1 - Ball runner

Equipment: 1 football per pair, 8 marker cones to define playing area

How to play: Players in pairs pass a football back and forth in the centre of a playing field. When the coach calls ‘Ball!’, the player who has the ball must run to their end and score a touchdown. 

Activity 2 - Boundary pass

Equipment: 1 football per pair; marker cones to define touch lines 

How to play: In pairs, players try to make as many passes to each other as they can in 60 seconds. To add a challenge, the pass has to be across a different touch lines. 

Activity 3 - Line out throw

Equipment: 1 football per pair of players, marker cones

How to play: Pairs throw a football overhead to each other and step backwards if they catch it on the full. When ‘Time!’ is called, the pair who is the greatest distance apart wins.  

Activity 4 - Round the bend

Equipment: 9 footballs; marker cones to define the playing area 

How to play: Players carrying a football each attempt to score points by running over the try line without being tagged. 

Modified small-sided games

It's time for competition!

Teams compete against each other in the game outlined below. You can use the 'Try Rugby Sevens draw' as a guide to organise the competition, across the 4 sessions try to ensure each team has a fair number of games. 

Allocate 3 points for a win, 2 points for a drawer and 1 point for a loss for each game played. Record results and points in the School sport program results spreadsheet.

Remember, to give students an update of the leader board each week.

Game - Try Rugby Sevens round robin 

Equipment: 1 football per game; marker cones to define the playing area; team bibs or sashes 

How to play: Teams play a minimal contact game of Try Rugby Sevens. There are no set positions, no kicks in general play and no offside. After seven minutes, teams rotate to play a new team. 



Ask students to form pairs with a student from their team.

Inform students they are going to give feedback to their partner using 'TAG'.