Striking and fielding games - Week 2

Stage 1 - Phase 2


Download the Striking and fielding games - Week 2 activity card to support teaching before and during the sport session. 

FMS focus: Two-hand strike 

Learning intention 

Students are developing proficiency in the two-hand strike.

Success criteria

Explicit teaching of the two-hand strike

About the skill 

The two-hand strike is a manipulative skill in which force is applied to an object using an implement, in this case a bat. It forms the foundation to more advanced games and sports-specific skills, such as: the strike in Tball, baseball and softball; the drive in cricket and hockey; the golf swing; and ground strokes in racquet sports, handball and volleyball. Because of the variability of ball tosses, performing the two-hand strike from a T-ball stand is the focus in this resource. Although these striking actions may differ slightly in performance, the same mechanical principles apply to both. 

View 'The Get Skilled Get Active - two-hand strike video' to support the explicit teaching of the two-hand strike. 

Model the skill:

Model the two-hand strike to students while explaining the movements needed to effectively strike:

Guided practice:

Students demonstrate the two-hand strike concentrating on the stance, hand positioning and swinging action. Students complete the following activities:

Independent practice with immediate teacher feedback:

Setup four hitting tees spaced out in a line. Students form pairs. Each pair gets a ball and a bat each. Students place the ball on the first tee. Student one hits the ball off the tee towards the second tee. Student two runs to collect the ball and places it on the second tee. Student one repeats the activity until they have hit off all four tees. The students reverse roles. 

Skill development games

FMS focus activity - Batting blast

Skill focus: Two-hand strike

Equipment: 1 batting tee, 1 bat and 1 softcore ball per group.

How to play: The batter hits the ball, from a tee, at different targets. The aim is to work on moving towards the ball and swinging freely.

Activity adapted from Cricket Australia HPE Program.

 FMS consolidation activity - Form a group

Skill focus: Skip 

Equipment: Marker cones

How to play: Players skip around in different directions avoiding body contact with other players. The coach calls a number and players form a group of that size. 

Modified small-sided games

It's game time!

Teams play each other in the game outlined below.

Hit 4 and go

Equipment: A suitable indoor or outdoor playing area as shown, range of bats/rackets and balls (sponge balls, softballs or tennis balls), marker cones (for running and playing area), batting tee(s) 

How to play: A batter hits 4 consecutive balls into the field and then skips between marker cones as many times as possible. When the fielders have returned all 4 balls they call out ‘STOP!’ (4–5 per group). 





2 stars and a wish

Ask students - what are 2 things you feel you did well today?

What are you going to try and improve on next week?

Students can answer reflection questions as a whole class, small group or in pairs.