Territorial games

The aim of territorial games is to invade an opponent’s territory and score a goal or point. They are typically fast-paced games that require teamwork in order to control the ball, keep possession, move into a scoring position, and prevent the opposition from scoring. Teams share the same playing area as they attempt to both score and prevent the other team from scoring. 

Students can learn and develop the knowledge, skills and concepts associated with sports such as soccer, rugby, netball, hockey and touch football.

Early Stage One

Stage One - Phase 1

Stage One - Phase 2

Playing for life activity cards

The activities in the Territorial games unit have been adapted from the Playing for Life activity cards. These cards are designed for everyday use by teachers, coaches, out of school hours care staff and parents. Aligned with the Australian Curriculum and the Australian Physical Literacy Framework, these game based activities are easily adapted to different sports and help create a safe, inclusive and challenging environment for children. 

Access further support

Delivering engaging sport and physical activity programs in K - 2

Enrol in the School Sport Unit - Delivering engaging sport and physical activity in K - 2 to develop further knowledge and skills in planning and delivering engaging sport and physical activity learning experiences to Early Stage 1 and Stage 1 students. 

Game-based learning in sport and physical activity

Enrol in the School Sport - Game-based learning in sport and physical activity e-learning to develop further knowledge and skills in implementing a game-based approach in school sport.