Week 4 - Athletics 

Session equipment:

Download the Athletics - Week 4 task card to support teaching before and during the sport session.  

Fast start - Crusts and crumbs


Activity set-up

How to play

Select card to download.

Skill development games

Long jump - Target run, step and jump

Skill focus: Speed, acceleration, jumping off one foot and landing on two

Equipment: Long jump pit or soft landing area, 1 hoop per 3 - 4 students, 1 small (30cm) hurdle or obstacle per 3 - 4 students, marker cones. 

How to play: Players run towards the hoop and obstacle. They step in the hoop and then leap over the hurdle to mimic a long jump take-off. 

Teaching tip

Shot Put - Point score

**This station must have a teacher supervising. 

Skill focus: One-hand delivery, standing shot put throw 

Equipment: 3 hoops per 3-4 students, shot puts or objects to throw.

How to play: Hoops are set up away from a throwing line. Players score points by putting a shot put or other object into hoops. 


Safety considerations for shot put

Prior to implementing this activity, teachers should read and adhere to the shot put safety guidelines as outlined in the Sport safety guidelines - Athletics. 

Discus - Discus quoits 

Skill focus: Discus throw 

Equipment: Equipment: 8 markers set up as shown in picture, 1 quoit or similar per player.

How to play: Players throw quoits as far as they can within the boundary lines using the discus throwing technique. 

(Teachers should read and use the instructions below for a standing discus throw. The throw should be explained and modelled to students prior to activity)

A basic discus standing throw requires:

Discus throwing instructions, LAPS - Little Athletics in Primary Schools, Fourth edition, 2015

High jump station activity adapted from LAPS - Little Athletics program for schools.

High jump - Scissors 8

Skill focus: Scissors jump for high jump

Equipment: Marker cones set up in a 'figure 8' shape, 1 skipping rope per 4 students placed apart in the intersection of the 8. 

How to play: Players in groups of 4 run in a figure 8 (follow markers) and scissors jump over the skipping ropes at the intersection twice. 

Key teaching points

Modified relay games

It's time for competition!

Teams compete against each other in the relay games outlined below. Two relay games are played, one race at a time with all teams racing. 

Allocate 4 points for a win, 3 points for second. 2 points for 3rd  and 1 point for 4th for each relay game played. Record results and points in the School sport program results spreadsheet.

Remember, to give students an update of the leader board each week.

Relay game 1 - Target relay

Skill focus: Speed, acceleration, running and ‘hurdling’ combinations, agility and coordination  

Equipment: Marker cones, obstacles that are easy to jump over (15 - 30cm)  

How to play: Gates are set up over a course with obstacles between them at equal lengths. Players in relay teams run the distance and clear the obstacles.


Relay game 2 - Racing relay

Skill focus: Speed, acceleration, running, jumping, agility and coordination, start position 

Equipment: Marker cones, obstacles that are easy to jump over (mini hurdles are ideal) 

How to play: Players race each other in a relay, jumping over obstacles along the way. 





Ask students to form pairs with a student from their team.

Inform students they are going to give feedback to their partner using 'TAG'.