Movement exploration - Week 3

Stage 1 - Phase one


Download the Movement exploration games - Week 3 activity card to support teaching before and during the sport session. 

FMS focus: Hop

Learning intention

Students are developing proficieny in the hop by learning to sequence the basic components. 

Success criteria


Explicit teaching of the hop

About the skill 

Hopping is a continuous rhythmical locomotor skill, characterised by taking off and landing on the same foot. It is used in many dance forms, in athletics in the triple jump and in many playground games, such as hopscotch. It is a good indicator of being able to maintain balance while moving, which is often referred to as dynamic balance.

View 'The Get Skilled Get Active - Hop video' to support the explicit teaching of the hop. 

Model the skill

Guided practice with immediate teacher feedback - Follow the line

A designated player tries to tag players who are hopping around a court area following the lines. Once tagged, players form ‘force fields’ for the remaining players.

Skill development games

FMS focus activity - Frogs and lily pads

Equipment: A 10m x 10m square marked out by 4 cones (the pond), hoops to be used as lily pads.

How to play: Players continuously hop from lily pad to lily pad using a one foot take-off and landing technique.  

FMS consolidation activity - How high?

FMS: Catch

Equipment: 1 bean bag per pair

How to play: Players work in pairs, one player is the ‘clown’ and the other is the lion tamer, positioned at the starting line. Clowns throw their juggling object and try to run to the line behind them before the lion tamer catches it. 

Modified small-sided games

It's game time!

Teams play each other in the game outlined below. 

Hoop races

Equipment: One hula hoop per group.

How to play: Players in teams race each other by passing a hoop up and down their line while making up and down noises. 


2 stars and a wish

Ask students - what are 2 things you feel you did well today?

What are you going to try and improve on next week?

Students can answer reflection questions as a whole class, small group or in pairs.