Target Games - Week 4

Stage 1 - Phase two


Download the Target Games - Week 4 activity card to support teaching before and during the sport session. 

FMS focus: Kick

Learning intention 

Students are developing proficiency in the kick. 

Success criteria.

Explicit teaching of the kick

About the skill 

The kick is a manipulative striking skill characterised by producing force from the foot to an object. The stationary place kick is the focus of this skill and involves kicking an object which is still. It is basic to kicks used in all football codes. It is also important for foot–eye coordination. The stationary place kick has been chosen as it is the most widely-used kick by primary school children, is the easiest in which to develop proficiency, and is more closely related to lead-up activities and modified games than other kicks.

View 'The Get Skilled Get Active - Kick video' to support the explicit teaching of the leap. 

Model the skill:

Review the components of the kick:

Guided practice:

Students work in groups of four. They stand in a line and set up markers or beanbags in front of each line. Place soft round balls on the markers or beanbags. This will lift the ball off the ground so that students can get their kicking foot under the ball. Students practice kicking the ball as far as they can, changing feet each time. After all groups have kicked, the teacher gives a signal and the students retrieve the ball then return to their original place. Continue until each student has had several turns.  

Independent practice with immediate teacher feedback:

Students work in five groups to rotate around five different stations. Students explore kicking a ball in the different ways listed below:

Skill development games

 FMS focus activity - Circle Chase

Skill focus: Kick

Equipment: Two footballs per group, marker cones.

How to play: Two footballs are passed around a circle from player to player. The aim is for one ball to catch up with the other. Play in groups of 6 to 8.

FMS consolidation activity - Caterpillar run

FMS: Catching and throwing

Equipment: 1-2 balls per group, marker cones

How to play: In small groups players pass a netball in a zigzag pattern to progress the group up the court. Play in groups of 6 to 8. 

Modified small-sided games

It's game time!

Teams play each other in the game outlined below.



How to play: As in golf, a course with ‘holes’ is established. Players move around the course attempting to reach the target in the least number of kicks or throws. 


2 stars and a wish

Ask students - what are 2 things you feel you did well today?

What are you going to try and improve on next week?

Students can answer reflection questions as a whole class, small group or in pairs.