Week 4 - Inclusive Basketball


Download the Inclusive Basketball - Week 4 activity card to support teaching before and during the sport session. 

Skill development game

Learning intention

To develops passing, dribbling and goal shooting skills in a game situation.

Skill focus 

Underarm return relay

Players run to a mid-way point, pick up a ball and attempt to shoot a basket. They then gather the rebound, return the ball to the pick up point and tag the next player in line. The pattern continues. (Play with 4 or more.) 

Equipment:  Marker cones, balls

How to play


Modifying Underarm return relay using TREE

Teaching style




Modified Basketball game

Learning intention

To develop throwing, catching and defending skills in a game situation. 

Skill focus 

Find the goal line

The team with the ball passes it among their team-mates, aiming to get it over their goal line. All team-mates must touch the ball at least once before a team scores. Running with the ball is not permitted. Once a player catches a ball over their goal line, they can take a shot at the basket. (Play in 2 teams of 6.) 

Equipment:  Suitable indoor or outdoor playing area, 4 cones to mark goals, bibs or alternative to distinguish between players,1 medium-sized ball 

How to play


Modifying Find the goal line using TREE

Teaching style





Suggested questions for players

Underarm Return Relay

Find the Goal Line

2 stars and a wish

Ask students:

Students can answer reflection questions as a whole class, small group or in pairs.