Week 4 - Gymnastics

Session equipment

Download the Gymnastics - Week 4 task card to support teaching before and during the sport session. 

Fast start - Freeze


Activity set-up

How to play

Select card to download.

Skill development games

Activity 1 - Get into it

** Set up Station 1 and 2 next to each other so that teacher can monitor this station.

Dominant movement pattern: Rotation

Skill focus: Forwards and backwards safety rolls

Equipment: 6 gym/scatter mats per group

How to play: Players in threes stand on points of a triangle and perform two safety rolls one at a time to one another. 


Teaching tip

Activity 2 - Coach says


Dominant movement pattern: Statics, spring and landing

Skill focus: Fundamental motor skills development

Equipment: Any suitable large flat surface, including mats, or a soft grassed area 

How to play: Using the rules of ’Simon says’, teacher calls out commands for players to perform various locomotion and spring movements shown on the left.


Air jacks - an action where the participant springs from two feet and explosively makes a wide star shape while airborne and then returns to the safety landing position of the ‘motor bike’. 

Walking on hands - Players move forwards in the plank position using hands, followed by feet.

Scorpion kick -  This is a term that describes a fun locomotion inversion skill that can also be undertaken as a progression for handstands. The participant places outstretched hands on the floor and raises one leg in line with the body, momentarily supporting their body weight. The action is repeated traveling forward as the remaining support leg springs. OR if student's are confident and ready to: 

Activity 3  - Team alphabet

Dominant movement pattern: Statics

Skill focus: Balance and teamwork

Equipment: N/A

How to play: Players are challenged to form groups in the shape of as many letters of the alphabet as possible during the allocated station time.  

Teaching tips:

Activity 4 - Skip to my lou

Dominant movement pattern: Spring and landing

Skill focus: Springing, landing and coordination

Equipment: 1 skipping rope per player, 1 stop watch per group

How to play: Players challenge themselves to skip within a time limit.  


Safety tips:

Modified small sided games

It's time for competition!

Teams compete against each other in the relay game outlined below. 

Allocate 4 points for a win, 3 points for second. 2 points for 3rd  and 1 point for 4th for each relay game played. You may also award alternative scoring points, a team can score a point for teamwork, skill in performing balance, encouragement of others and displaying sportsmanship. 

Record results and points in the School sport program results spreadsheet. 

Remember, to give students an update of the leader board each week.

Stone, bridge and tree relay race

Dominant movement pattern: 

Skill focus: Rotation movements, teamwork  

Equipment: An indoor/outdoor playing area 20 metres in length, a starting cone for each team and three cones spaced 5 metres apart.

How to play: Players race each other in a relay using various static and movements skills.



Ask students to form pairs with a student from their team.

Inform students they are going to give feedback to their partner using 'TAG'.