Territorial Games - Week 3

Stage 1 - Phase two


Download the Territorial Games - Week 3 activity card to support teaching before and during the sport session.

FMS focus: Dodge

Learning intention 

Students are developing proficiency in the dodge.

Success criteria

Students display:

Explicit teaching of the dodge

About the skill 

The dodge is a locomotor skill that involves a high degree of balance and stability. It is an extension of the side gallop and sprint run and incorporates dynamic, fluid and coordinated movement to change direction. It is common to many playground games and activities and is an important skill in the majority of team sports. 

View 'The Get Skilled Get Active - Dodge video' to support the explicit teaching of the dodge. 

Model the skill:

Model the dodge to students while explaining the movements needed to effectively dodge.

Guided practice with immediate teacher feedback:

Students dodge between marker cones, set out in a line or scattered around an area. The teacher holds up numbers or coloured cards. While students are dodging, they call out the colour or number being held up. 

Skill development games

FMS Focus Activity - Circle dodge ball

Equipment: 2 to 4 balls per game; team bibs or sashes in 3 colours (optional); marker cones to define the circle (optional 

How to play: Players on a circle boundary roll footballs in an attempt to contact players in the middle on the legs. Once contacted by a ball, the player joins the circle boundary and attempts to eliminate the remaining players. The last player left is declared the winner. Play in groups of 9 to 12 

FMS Consolidation Activity - Kangaroos and emus

Skill Focus: Side Gallop

Equipment: Braids, marker cones

How to play: Students attempt to steal the braid from the opposition player while performing the side gallop. 

Modified small-sided games

It's game time!

Teams play each other in the game outlined below.

Guard the castle

Equipment: 15 footballs; 8 marker cones (4 colours) 

Skill focus: Dodge

How to play: Guards in a line move sideways as they try to protect the castle from invasion. Invaders attempt to dodge through gaps in the guards’ defence to leave as many footballs as they can inside the castle within two minutes. Play in groups of 10 to 12. 


2 stars and a wish

Ask students - what are 2 things you feel you did well today?

What are you going to try and improve on next week?

Students can answer reflection questions as a whole class, small group or in pairs.