Week 4 - Sitting Volleyball


Download the Tee Ball - Week 4 activity card to support teaching before and during the sport session. 

Skill development game

Learning intention

To practice and refine catching and throwing.

Skill focus 

Run the Circle 

Cooperative passing. Players form a circle with 2 balls. The balls are thrown from player to player. The aim is for one ball to catch up to the other. An easy version starts with hand to hand passing. (Play with 6 or more.) 

Equipment:  Marker cones, balls

How to play


Modifying Run the Circle using TREE

Teaching style




Modified Tee Ball game

Learning intention

To practice and refine striking, catching and throwing skills in a game situation. 

Skill focus 

Tee Ball

A modified game that develops striking, catching, fielding and throwing skills as a lead up to baseball or softball. 

Equipment:  Suitable indoor or outdoor playing area, tee-ball bat and ball or alternatives (see Equipment), batting tee, base markers—these should be flat strips or discs 

How to play


Modifying Tee Ball using TREE

Teaching style


- Wheelchair players having someone help push them around the bases 

- A support person shadows or guides them around the bases 

- A ‘runner’ who runs the bases after the ball has been hit. 




Suggested questions for players

Run the Circle

Tee Ball

2 stars and a wish

Ask students:

Students can answer reflection questions as a whole class, small group or in pairs.