Target Games - Week 4

Early Stage 1


Download the Target Games - Week 4 activity card to support teaching before and during the sport session. 

FMS focus: Static balance

Learning intention 

Students are developing proficiency in the static balance.

Success criteria.

Student has:

Explicit teaching of the static balance

About the skill 

Balance is an essential prerequisite of almost all movement skills. A static balance is defined as being able to maintain a stationary position throughout the movement. The static balance on one foot is an important non locomotor skill that is used in gymnastics, dance, diving and many team sports.

View 'The Get Skilled Get Active - Static balance video' to support the explicit teaching of the static balance. 

Model the skill

Model the static balance to students while explaining the components needed to effectively balance.

Say to the students:  

Guided practice

Ask students to talk about what is needed for good balance. Discussion should centre around the components of the balance. 

In small groups students stand behind a leader on a line and complete the following activities. 

Skill development games

FMS focus activity - Leader balance

FMS focus: Static balance

Equipment: Marker cones for playing area

How to play: Students follow a leader around a designated playing area. On the teacher's signal the leader performs a static balance that students replicate. 

 FMS consolidation activity - Hit the target

Skill focus: Overarm throw

Equipment: A variety of targets (such as 2-litre (or larger) plastic bottles with a little sand in the bottom, cricket wickets or buckets) and objects to throw (softballs, beanbags, tennis balls, soccer balls – 2 per player)  

How to play: Targets are set up away from a throwing line. Players score points by throwing, kicking or rolling a ball at the targets. 

Modified small-sided games

It's game time!

Teams play each other in the game outlined below.



How to play: As in golf, a course with ‘holes’ is established. Players move around the course attempting to reach the target in the least number of throws. 


2 stars and a wish

Ask students - what are 2 things you feel you did well today?

What are you going to try and improve on next week?

Students can answer reflection questions as a whole class, small group or in pairs.