Week 1 - Inclusive Basketball


Download the Inclusive Basketball - Week 1 activity card to support teaching before and during the sport session. 

Skill development game

Learning intention

To develop throwing and catching, and build to running while throwing, catching and evading other players. 

Skill focus 

Pairs passing

Players form pairs. On the signal players pass to each other for 30 seconds. At the end of 30 seconds the player without the ball moves to form a new pair. Passing starts again. 

Equipment: Balls, marker cones 

How to play


Modifying Pairs passing using TREE

Teaching style




Modified Basketball game

Learning intention

To practice and refine catching and throwing skills in game situations.

Skill focus 

Keep the ball

2 teams of 3 are distributed over the court. The team with the ball aims to make 5 passes between team-mates without the ball being intercepted. 

Equipment: Indoor or outdoor playing area, one ball for each 6 players, 3 bibs/sashes or alternative to distinguish players 

How to play


Modifying Keep the ball up using TREE

Teaching style





Suggested questions for players

Pairs Passing

Keep the Ball

2 stars and a wish

Ask students:

Students can answer reflection questions as a whole class, small group or in pairs.