Week 1 - T-Ball

Skill focus: Hitting

Session equipment: 

Download T-Ball - Week 1 activity card to support teaching before and during the sport session.  

Fast start - Ready, set, go

Equipment: 8 markers to set up playing area.

How to play:


Skill development games

Choosing teams

In a sport education approach, affiliation is promoted by students being a member of the same team over a period of time. It is intended that students remain in these teams for the duration of each sport program for the skill development and the modified small-sided games, so that they can develop and learn together.

Activity 1 - French Baseball 

Equipment: Marker cones to establish batting line, fielder free zone and fielding zone, baseball bat and foam safety ball

How to play: A ball is thrown to a catcher. The thrower runs to take the place of the catcher and the catcher in turn runs to join players at the thrower’s line. 

Activity 2 - Long ball 

Equipment: Marker cones to establish batting line and designated hitting area, hitting tee’s, bats and balls. 

How to play: Hit a ball as far as possible to a designated area. 

Activity 3 - Continuous tennis

Equipment: Playing area with net or alternative (such as a marked ‘no-go’ area or a bench), one bat per player, tennis ball or similar for each group, markers or tape. 

How to play: Players in small groups hit a ball over an obstacle and run to the back of the line making way for the next player to receive a ball and hit it. 


Activity 4 - Target tee

Equipment: Hitting tee’s, safety whiffle balls, target (i.e. cones, specific target zones, fence). 

How to play: Batter hits a ball off a hitting tee to a specific target area. 

Modified small-sided games

It's time for competition!

Teams compete against each other in the game outlined below. You can use the  T - Ball draw. as a guide to organise the competition, across the 4 sessions try to ensure each team has a fair number of games. 

Allocate 3 points for a win, 2 points for a drawer and 1 point for a loss for each game played. Record results and points in the School sport program results spreadsheet.

Remember, to give students an update of the leader board each week.

Hit 4 and go

Equipment: A suitable indoor or outdoor playing area as shown, range of bats, racquets and balls (sponge balls, softballs or tennis balls), marker cones (for running and playing area), batting tee(s) 

How to play: A batter hits 4 consecutive balls into the field and then runs between marker cones as many times as possible. When the fielders have returned all 4 balls they call out “STOP!” (6 or more per group). 





2 stars and a wish

Ask students - what are 2 things you feel you did well today?

What are you going to try and improve on next week?

Students can answer reflection questions as a whole class, small group or in pairs.